Hello all i have read countless articles on here which led me to register. Im a 26 year old male, live in the united states (tennessee). About 2 months ago while working out i noticed i would hear a slight bell like ringing sound in my ear then it stopped. Everyday it would come for a few seconds then go. Then suddenly it started and never stopped. Now i have a very high pitched ring in both my ears. It will fluctuate and be louder in one ear, then go to the other, but the sound is always constant in both ears. When i got to reading about tinnitus, i freaked out. When i read that there is no cure and nothing they could do for it, i went into pannic. The ringing is so loud that its all i hear, over the tv, people talking, etc. I cannot concentrate on anything because its all i hear and think about.
First off i am on no medication. I do not do drugs. And do not intake caffine, alcohol, etc. I went to a ent and they checked my ears and said they couldnt see anything wrong. They said there was nothing they could do for me. This made my aneixty and depression even worse. Ive been to several doctors and physcologist and they say i have aniexty/depression, and want me to go on meds, but after reading everything on here and people saying it made it worse, i dont want to go on them. I was on them as a child from age 11-18 but when insurance ran out i stopped taking them. See as a child i had ringing in the ears but was to little to remember why it happen, and what ever made it stop.
Just after reading what can make it worse im scared to do and try anything. I wont even take advil/aleve when i get a headache because those kinds of meds can make your ears ring. im scared to eat food now because i think everything will have msg/glut in it and make it worse. Its just hard to even live anymore in that everything will make it worse, and that it wont go away, and what if the ringing gets even louder.
I am able to sleep when i get tired enough i will listen to water running on youtube and can relax enough to sleep and if i wake up to pee and im tired enough i will fall back to sleep. But its just so hard to live throughout the day cause its all i think about because its all i hear. I havent been exposed to any severe loud sounds or explosions, and my hearing test showed i had great hearing, almost above avg even at higher frequences between 6-8k. Almost like my hearing is heighten because my neverous system is in a hightend state of awareness. I will notice if a tv is buzzing or if a light is putting off a high pitch sound and ask others if they hear it and they will stop and strain and be like year i hear it but wouldnt of never noticed it if you wouldnt of said anything. At times i can hear up to 4 differnt sounds in my ears. I loud high pitch ring is always there, then sometimes ill hear bells ringing, a constant hum like a fan running, a thump thump thump like my ear drum is having a muscle spasim, etc. These sounds last a few seconds or minuets then normally leave, but the ringing is always there. but when these other sounds come my heart races and i freak out because im like oh gosh another sound what if it doesnt ever stop like the ringing.
Im just praying that some of you can give me hope/advice. Just reading so much negative stuff makes me feel like im not going to ever make it. Ive lost my job because irregular sleep patterns, and not being able to focus well cause i worry so much about the ringing. I know it will probley never go away, but after time will i learn to cope with it and sorta not hear it and pay it less attention. Its been 2 months since its been loud and in both ears constant. I do not want to take any mind altering medication like ssri's, benzo's, etc. I know im very stressed in life and hope that i can manage it on my own. Also i have tmj which causes jaw pain and headaches, and i notice if i clinch down with my jaw that while my jaw is clenched it makes the ringing sky rocket then when i relax my jaw it subsides. Any input would be very greatful. Thank you and godbless
First off i am on no medication. I do not do drugs. And do not intake caffine, alcohol, etc. I went to a ent and they checked my ears and said they couldnt see anything wrong. They said there was nothing they could do for me. This made my aneixty and depression even worse. Ive been to several doctors and physcologist and they say i have aniexty/depression, and want me to go on meds, but after reading everything on here and people saying it made it worse, i dont want to go on them. I was on them as a child from age 11-18 but when insurance ran out i stopped taking them. See as a child i had ringing in the ears but was to little to remember why it happen, and what ever made it stop.
Just after reading what can make it worse im scared to do and try anything. I wont even take advil/aleve when i get a headache because those kinds of meds can make your ears ring. im scared to eat food now because i think everything will have msg/glut in it and make it worse. Its just hard to even live anymore in that everything will make it worse, and that it wont go away, and what if the ringing gets even louder.
I am able to sleep when i get tired enough i will listen to water running on youtube and can relax enough to sleep and if i wake up to pee and im tired enough i will fall back to sleep. But its just so hard to live throughout the day cause its all i think about because its all i hear. I havent been exposed to any severe loud sounds or explosions, and my hearing test showed i had great hearing, almost above avg even at higher frequences between 6-8k. Almost like my hearing is heighten because my neverous system is in a hightend state of awareness. I will notice if a tv is buzzing or if a light is putting off a high pitch sound and ask others if they hear it and they will stop and strain and be like year i hear it but wouldnt of never noticed it if you wouldnt of said anything. At times i can hear up to 4 differnt sounds in my ears. I loud high pitch ring is always there, then sometimes ill hear bells ringing, a constant hum like a fan running, a thump thump thump like my ear drum is having a muscle spasim, etc. These sounds last a few seconds or minuets then normally leave, but the ringing is always there. but when these other sounds come my heart races and i freak out because im like oh gosh another sound what if it doesnt ever stop like the ringing.
Im just praying that some of you can give me hope/advice. Just reading so much negative stuff makes me feel like im not going to ever make it. Ive lost my job because irregular sleep patterns, and not being able to focus well cause i worry so much about the ringing. I know it will probley never go away, but after time will i learn to cope with it and sorta not hear it and pay it less attention. Its been 2 months since its been loud and in both ears constant. I do not want to take any mind altering medication like ssri's, benzo's, etc. I know im very stressed in life and hope that i can manage it on my own. Also i have tmj which causes jaw pain and headaches, and i notice if i clinch down with my jaw that while my jaw is clenched it makes the ringing sky rocket then when i relax my jaw it subsides. Any input would be very greatful. Thank you and godbless