Please, Help Me Find Out What's Wrong with Me


Apr 15, 2016
Tinnitus Since
Cause of Tinnitus
Hi, this is my first post, and I'll get right down to it.

My tinnitus started about 3 months ago, along with a bunch of other, worrying symptoms.
My tinnitus is one-sided (left year), worsening and getting louder. It's a constant, high pitched noise that's now often accompanied by whistling (it wasn't before).

My other symptoms include headaches, mostly on the left side of the head (especially the temple area and back of the head), earache (left ear), swollen lymph nodes all over my neck (not visible), post-nasal drip and the right side of my neck feeling swollen, as if I had a muscle problem. I do have more swollen lymph nodes there. Also feeling feverish and overall bad.
ALSO: Very mild autophony and a cracking sound in ears when i swallow and move my jaw.

My tinnitus changes only when i move my neck, but never gets better, just worse.
I did not have MRI.
I've been to ENT 6 times now and they were unable to find what could cause it.
I've had a very detailed hearing test too and I have no hearing loss whatsoever.

What could it be? I'm terrified and I don't know what to do
A warm welcome to Tinnitus Talk.
It sounds like it could be allergies causing your tinnitus.
Would not hurt to get a antihistamine and might help the post nasal trip also...the extra mucous and sinus problem look like causing crackle ears also and tinnitus
Have a chat with your doctor and keep us posted how you go on ...lots of love glynis
If it's truly unilateral (one sided) and worsening, I'd push for an MRI.
What do you think it could be? Brain tumor?

Have a chat with your doctor and keep us posted how you go on ...lots of love glynis
Thanks for the welcome. I will see my GP on monday so I'll talk to him about it. But I'm not going back to ENT since I was told I'm perfectly fine nose/ear wise
What do you think it could be? Brain tumor?

It's extraordinarily unlikely, but one physical cause of progressive unilateral hearing loss and tinnitus is an acoustic neuroma, which is a benign tumor of a cranial nerve. It's also one of the few causes of tinnitus which can be diagnosed with imaging and treated surgically (though the tinnitus often remains after the tumor is removed).
I will get MRI done if I can, and as soon as it's possible. But now looking at my symptoms, any ideas what could it be also?
I wouldn't even mind benign tumors. I've felt bad for the past few months and I really want to know the reason.
I'm just hoping it's nothing malignant or life-threatening
U simply got a problem with you neck muscels.. perhaps you have (as i do) also a spinal stenosis:
Also check your jaw perhaps, some osteoporosis, or you moved your jaw (my mom had several symptoms near yours to find out here jaw was somehow not in the right place) after that she had no Tinnitus any more (last 4 months ?)
U simply got a problem with you neck muscels.. perhaps you have (as i do) also a spinal stenosis:
Also check your jaw perhaps, some osteoporosis, or you moved your jaw (my mom had several symptoms near yours to find out here jaw was somehow not in the right place) after that she had no Tinnitus any more (last 4 months ?)
I also have swollen lymph nodes that don't go away. And post-nasal drip that causes my hoarseness. Would it make sense if all these can be linked to neck/jaw issues? I do have spine issues (even though im young, i have scoliosis and always had problems, but not like these)
Well thing is, no one here is a doc. Or at least those who answered. So none can give you a precise answer.
Also for me someone it seems strange that being 6 times at the ENT and no one had the idea to make a MRI ??
Well thing is, no one here is a doc. Or at least those who answered. So none can give you a precise answer.
Also for me someone it seems strange that being 6 times at the ENT and no one had the idea to make a MRI ??
They focused on my sinuses since i have a deviated septum. I had a CT scan done, and ultrasound of my neck. I think they kind of ignored my tinnitus among other things.
I know i won't get a diagnosis here so im just asking what you think
Very mild autophony and a cracking sound in ears when i swallow and move my jaw.
For me this looks like a muscular problem, as i do in fact have a similar problem but mine is when i walk and keep my jaw lose.

For the swollen lymph, have you ever done a blood analyse ? Because it could give infos about why it might be swollen?

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