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Aug 15, 2015
Tinnitus Since
Cause of Tinnitus
I don't know
Hey guys, I'm new to this forum and I just need some advice/support from some of you guys. About 3 and a half weeks ago I had a very bad head cold. Once it cleared up I went to bed one morning and i then woke up and noticed I was completely deaf in my left ear. I thought it was just temporary so I left it. About 2 days after the deafness started I heard a mild ringing in my left ear, I thought this was just a sign of healing. When going through all of this I also noticed I felt a really sharp pain in my left ear when I yawned/burped. I was also taking quite a lot of hayfever medication before this kicked off such as aspirin and piriteze. About 2 weeks later I went to see a GP he told me I had a viral infection and a build up of ear wax. I then proceeded to try and clear the wax in which I was successful, the ringing continued. I will also note that I was severely stressed at the time with family issues. My hearing is now completely restore and I no longer have any pain whatsoever in my left ear. BUT the ringing has continued, it has gotten better over the weeks but it's still very distressing and distracting. Will my tinnitus disappear?? Or am I stuck with it for good? Thanks for reading guys, if any of you need support then I'm here. Peace.
Hi, Ryan, and welcome to Tinnitus Talk!

I've just read your story, and am glad to hear that your pain and hearing loss have gone away. In cases like this, it's hard to say if your tinnitus will eventually disappear, or whether it will continue. However, if it does continue, it may become more bearable as time goes on.

My tinnitus started from noise exposure many years ago. When it first began, it was scary and very distressing, and there was pain in my ear. However, after several months, the pain went away. While the tinnitus didn't go away, it became much easier to deal with, and I was able to live my life normally again.

There are things you can do to make life a little easier while your tinnitus is fairly new. Keeping some type of background sound in your environment at all times is really helpful. Soft music or "white noise" can be very effective in masking your tinnitus so that you're not so aware of it. Also, there are supplements you can try that may help. I'm currently taking niacin, multivitamins, and NAC (N-acetylcistene). These seem to help me. Also, at night, I take magnesium chloride tablets about one hour before bedtime, to aid in calming and with sleep.

Try to live your life as normally as possible, and in time, your body and brain will begin to adjust to this new sound, and you will be able to tune it out more successfully.

I'm sure others on this forum will have additional suggestions for you. There are lots of great suggestions in many of the threads here. Also, please be sure to read the "Positivity Thread" and "Success Stories".

Take care, and keep us posted on how you're doing!

Best wishes,
Thank you for replying Karen, I'm just so scared that this might be permanent. The annoying thing is is that it just happened, there was no warning or no reason for this issue to occur... It just happened. Thanks for trying to help, hopefully it will go. Thanks, Ryan
Hi Ryan ... I understand just how much anguish you are going through right now ... wondering whether it's going to affect you for the long-term or, hopefully, only for a short time ... the sort of answers that we are all trying to figure-out, here at Tinnitus Talk ... but the great thing is, you sound very positive about the situation, which is such a great benefit when dealing with what you are facing.

Have you since been back to your GP to ask for an appointment with an Ear, Nose & Throat Specialist, as well as being sent for an MRI scan? Check it out with you doctor ... & I truly hope all goes well with you.
All best wishes & prayers ... PMc
Thank you so much for helping pmc! I have not made any other appointments with my GP, im hoping it might just disappear. The thing is, I'm only 15 years old... So it's hard dealing with this when I have school, family problems etc... I'd love to hear your story about your tinnitus (if you have it). If you need any help I'll give you all the support I can as I know dealing with tinnitus can be extremely distressing and in some cases suicidal. Thanks, Ryan
My pleasure, Ryan ... thanks for such a speedy reply ... could I say that you are showing such great maturity in how you are handling all this ... I know, it's such a shock to the system when it first starts & you wonder where on earth it all came from ... but there are lots of good people here who can offer lots of good ideas & help, so don't ever feel that you are on your own.

Is there anyone at your end who you can rely on to be a good listener ... & a good helping hand?

Just on a practical level, I'm not sure how long it would take for you to arrange another appointment with your GP ... but personally, I'd make the appointment, & if your condition should disappear, then you can just ring through & cancel the appointment .... In my case, my GP sent me for a routine MRI Scan at the local hospital, just to be certain there were no complications in my head that could be causing my tinnitus ... & the scan was all sorted within an hour.

My story can be found on this link:

Keep in touch, Ryan ... we care about you ....... PMc
I just read your story and I noticed your tinnitus started fairly recently (March), so I wouldn't worry too much... It's extremely possible for the issue to resolve itself! Thank you for talking to me and making me feel a lot more comfortable about my current situation. I will say that I feel that one day, maybe just maybe I'll find the cure for this demoralising condition. I am seriously considering becoming an ENT specialist so I can help people like you and many others get rid of tinnitus, FOR GOOD. And yes, I do have a few people who listen to me and try to help but I don't think they really understand how horrible tinnitus really is. Sometimes I don't even think the doctors care either, they're just in it for the pay check in my opinion. I think I'll make another appointment with my GP, but I can't see him helping me at all. Last time he said this was a viral infection, sometimes I just feel doctors can be so fucking clueless (excuse my language). And if I may ask, did they find anything once you took the Mri scan? Thanks
Hi Ryan ... Yes, mine was also very recent ... & I just want to encourage you with your wonderful ambition ..... you are so right when you say that most people don't understand how horrible tinnitus really is ... & the awful thing, Ryan, is that I think I was also one of those people! ... it's just not discussed in the media or spoken about on the street ... you can't really blame people for having so little understanding about it.

But I would love to encourage you to follow your heart & become an ENT specialist ... & maybe also encourage others along the way when they hear about your own personal experiences ... & how you've bravely dealt with them. I try not to be too hard on my GP & the Surgery Nurse ... but as for me I went to the surgery looking for guidance, help & understanding ... & I suppose I wasn't ready or prepared to hear the words: 'It's permanent ... you've just got to live with it!'..... it was such a shock to the system when I heard that ... & I came out of the surgery in a bit of a daze ... not ready to believe or accept what I just heard! ... I thought that my personal battle against this was going to be a very lonesome one.

The MRI Scan came-out negative, with nothing at all that could be connected with or linked to my tinnitus, thankfully. For me, the course of strong antibiotics after my recent operation certainly shouldn't have been ruled-out completely as a possible cause by my GP, because my tinnitus began the very next day that I started taking them ... I know it could be a total coincidence, but from my point of view, all possibilities should have been tested ... whereas this was just dismissed out of hand.

It's been good sharing our stories & ideas, Ryan ... I'm sure we've got lots more to talk about, so do keep in touch ... & speak to you soon .......... PMc

I can relate to your situation, because it was an ototoxic drug that made my tinnitus much worse. In my case, it was blood pressure medicine. I don't think doctors are aware of all the side effects that can occur when taking these medications, and I'm sure they have to weigh the risks against the benefits when prescribing them.

I've had an MRI/MRA and CT scan, too, and nothing unusual was found. But, my T and PT remain.

I'm glad your MRI came out negative; that is very good news. It is possible that one of the antibiotics you took could have triggered the tinnitus. If so, yours may dissipate in time. I've gotten off the blood pressure medicine, and mine has improved, although it is still there. Now, any time I'm prescribed a drug, I look it up first on the internet to see if it is ototoxic. For your convenience, there is a list of ototoxic drugs on this forum. I've also seen such lists on other sites around the internet.
Hi Karen! ... thanks so much for your very kind & useful reply.

Yes, we share some history, there, don't you think?!

Thank you for pointing me to the list of ototoxic drugs ... I'll certainly make good use of that information in the future! ...

My doctor had her own list of medications that had been known to be linked to T and she said that my antibiotics were not on that list ... I accept that I have a very naive medical understanding of these things, but it seems to me that if doctors keep telling themselves that particular antibiotics are safe, then it seems obvious to me that there is no way that drug will ever appear on her list ... like a self-fulfilling prophesy. My experience has not challenged her outlook in any way whatsoever.

So pleased that your scans came out negative ... that's a big weight off your mind, isn't it ... just like it was for me.

Thanks again for all your help & kindness, Karen ... my thoughts & prayers go with you along your journey
- PMc > (Paul)
Thanks, Paul, and the same to you! I truly hope your tinnitus will eventually calm down --- at least enough so that it is easier to deal with. My prayers to you on your journey, as well.

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