I think the poll, in order to include all the possibilities, should have had a third option as an answer:
1. Comforted
2. Scared
3. Both (sometimes comforted, sometime scared)
In that case I would have voted "both".
1.When I have a spike and I have nobody to understand me and I am scared to death and I think that nobody has the condition that I have, I open this forum that reminds me that I am not the only one, that I am not a "weirdo", and that I have some people with whom to "tinnitus talk". I find that comforting. I also hope that one day, reading here about all kinds of cases and experiences and comparing them to mine, I could figure out the cause of my T.
2. When I encountered a case that seemed to me very serious, I get scared for that somebody's life and for mine, cause having a T that ranges from "bad but bearable (more or less)" to "suicidal levels" myself, I can understand and relate to the most serious cases.
I see that somebody above feels the same, sometimes comforted, sometimes scared.
If more people answer like me and i.am, I think that somebody should complete the poll with the third option for an answer, so we can have a real, relevant statistic.