Poll: For Females — Does Your Tinnitus and/or Hyperacusis Spike During Your Menstrual Cycle?

Does your tinnitus and/or hyperacusis spike during your menstrual cycle?

  • Yes, always, my tinnitus spikes

  • Yes, always, my hyperacusis spikes

  • Yes, always, both my tinnitus and hyperacusis spike

  • Yes, sometimes, my tinnitus spikes

  • Yes, sometimes, my hyperacusis spikes

  • Yes, sometimes, both my tinnitus and hyperacusis spike

  • I never experience spikes during my menstrual cycle

  • I'm a male but want to see the results

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Jan 4, 2019
Tinnitus Since
Cause of Tinnitus
Ear infection
Hello Tinnitus Talk members! I'm new here, and I have a very important question... My question is (for females only):

Does your tinnitus and hyperacusis spike during your menstrual cycle?

If reading this thread, please respond ASAP. Thank you! :)
Both. I noticed my tinnitus went up but also I felt a little bit more sensitive to sound. I believe it's the hormones honestly playing havoc. I remember one of my doctors said to me hormones can spike it so be aware.
Thanks so much for the reply. I've been having a hard time these past few days, before and during my cycle. My Tinnitus and Hyperacusis spiked, but now I'm pretty sure this is the reason causing it to spike. Again thank you so much and I hope all is going well for you.
You're welcome, mine took a bit to come down even after my cycle so just be aware of that. Aw thank you hope it goes well for you too.
My tinnitus always usually spikes about a week before and during my menstrual cycle, I can always tell my menstrual cycle is about to start. It took a few months for me to realize why my tinnitus gets worse sometimes!
Yes to both, I would have major Vertigo episodes during my menstrual cycle and would faint followed by vomit everytime without fail, it was horrible. Ever since going on birth control and completely stopping my periods I have not had a major vertigo episode but my T is still unbearable at times
@Lovely507 @Fally
Yes, my tinnitus spikes a few days before my cycle but settles quickly. If it coincides with a full moon you better leave me alone and stay as far as possible for your own safety...lol...

The joys of womanhood. Grrrrr

Get yourself a calendar that shows the moon phases.

I also become very mentally unstable, such fun.
It does at ovulation but mainly justs before my period and during it. Sometimes I can just feel that it got louder and then I see I got my period and instantly just stop worrying about the spike.
I have a question for all my fellow sufferer ladies out there on the combined birth control pill:

I have been on the pill for over a decade now, no problems whatsoever and lots of benefits, mainly the comfort and being in control that it brings. For many months lately, I have taken it without a break AT ALL. Now that I got tinnitus and everyone asks about any medicine you are taking, the pill is all I think about. I never had health issues or was on medication. I wondered if I stopped the pill, maybe it would help my tinnitus. The thing is, this is no double-blind study. As with my supplements, I feel my tinnitus could have got better or worse even on its own. I have not had it long enough or tested each parameter individually to determine their efficiency. I stopped the pill for a week and I am the same as before...

I wonder if there is any point in stopping the pill altogether and what your experience is.
I posted this publication to the closest topic.

Disturbance Of The Hormonal Background In Women With Hypofunction Of The Ovaries With Menier's Disease

Meniere's disease is a non-purulent disease of the inner ear, characterized by an increase in the volume of endolymph. In addition, it is known that the onset of the disease in women often coincides with periods of physiological or pathological decrease in the hormonal function of the ovaries: the hemorrhagic phase of the menstrual cycle, menstrual irregularities accompanied by hypoestrogenia. We studied 18 people, conducted audiometric, vestibulometric and electronhistagographic studies. Patients were treated during the period of remission for 2-3 menstrual cycles in continuous monitoring in the form of dynamic hormonal studies excretion of sex steroids. Based on the results of hormonal examination and treatment, it should be assumed that hormonal therapy for women with Meniere's disease, which occurs against the background of ovarian hypofunction, is quite effective for stopping attacks of vestibular disorders. This therapy is a substitute.


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Just throwing this out there.

The menstrual cycle is the full 25 to 32 (approximate) days, not just the days of bleeding which are usually days 1 through 6 or 1 through 8 (approximate).

A more helpful question for the poll might be "At one point during the menstrual cycle does your tinnitus or hyperacusis spike, if at all ?" Or something like that.


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