The month I Turned 25Great gift.
Fear not @acute in most situations "noise induced" tinnitus which you have will improve with time. I advise you not to use headphones even at low volume and keep away from overly loud music: clubs and concerts. Please click on the links below and read my articles that I think will help you.
All the best
Thank you @Michael Leigh. Thanks you for give me some hope and bring me info. Even if my tinnitus goes away, I'm still never using headphones or blasting loud music ever again. Since I started with T I have not listened to any loud noises and avoid them at all costs. Maybe I have just one chance my body to heal.
I recall having a faint ringing that went away the next day after attending a fireworks show when I was 15. When I was 16, I had brief tinnitus after listening to loud music, and a very loud concert I attended a few months before my 17th birthday was the straw that broke the camel's back.
How are you doing today? How is your T/H?