People, please. We are all suffering from tinnitus, and that can get to us. I refuse to believe that anyone on this forum would, intentionally, be rude, offensive, insulting, or insensitive.
We are all here because we are suffering from tinnitus and we are seeking support, comfort, guidance, help, or just a place to vent our frustrations.
This is a wonderful community, filled with caring, generous people who selflessly share what little emotional strength they have left with others who need support.
In any group of people there will be misunderstandings, disagreements, and conflict. Please, when reading replies, keep in mind that
the person responding is trying to help. We are here not only to receive support, but to give as well. That is how a community works, we help each other. We may find the wording of the response offensive, insulting, etc.., but I am positive, that in as close to 100% of the instances as possible, that was not the intent of the author.
And though
@Marc22 's post started with a bit of humor, he was reaching out to us in a time of need due to his suffering. And, because of what (to me anyways) is clearly a misunderstanding of the intent to a response,
@Marc22 threat requesting support and help has devolved into argumentative and person attacks on members who have a long history of being extremely supportive and helpful.
Please, I certainly understand feeling insulted by someone else's words (I am a wizard at finding the worst possible interpretation of any statement or situation), if you do feel slighted in any way, try contacting the person through a private message. I am sure a private conversation will quickly learn up any misunderstanding, and it had the benefit of not polluting the original thread with non-related posts that take over and prevent the original author from receiving the support needed.
[jumping off soap box now, sorry for the long post]