Possible "Neck Issue" Tinnitus

My neck hurts so bad sometimes I have difficulty turning it very far, along with a snap crackle pop sound. Never gave it a thought that could be causing my T. Thanks for posting cause I will get my neck checked out.

Seems like alot of us with T have neck pain problems. I have tried different pillows and sleeping positions with no help still have pain. Tried accupuncture, vitamins, hypnosis, you name it. Going to my orthopedic dr. perhaps we will have some success going this route. Thanks for posting this A.T. ....
On account of cervical spondylosis, the static position of the cervical spine deteriorates, calcification evolves (osteophyte), the vertebral foraminae dwindle (which makes the function of vertebral arteries reduce), radicle neck pain appears, forced bearing of the neck arises, fibrositis appears in the muscles and unfavourable effects are influenced on the cervical sympathetic nerves. As a result of this process the intracranial blood-supply suffers trouble in different levels (in one or in both sides). In consequence of these alterations, insufficiency of vertebro-basilar circulation and its aftermath can form:

-peripheral vestibular disorders
-central vestibular disorders
-tinnitus in ears

Case 1 underwent ACDF at the C5/6 disc level (Figures 3 and 4). After
surgery, strength in all 4 limbs was significantly recovered, and
symptoms of neck pain, headache, vertigo, and tinnitus disappeared.
Interestingly, her blood pressure also dropped to within the normal
range after surgery even without oral medications.

Case 2 underwent ACDF surgery at C5/6 and C6/7 levels. His symptoms
of cervical vertigo completely disappeared, numbness of both upper
limbs significantly released, and muscle strength of 4 limbs
obviously increased. Similarly to case 1, his blood pressure also
restored after the surgery without taking any antihypertensive drugs
A disc herniation, injuries to the disc and ligaments or even metastatic diseases down to the third cervical area may cause tinnitus, which may also respond to surgical repair. When there is a problem with the neck, it can cause problems for the nerves and muscles situated by the ears.
@just1morething thanks for that info. I think mine is caused by neck problems. I got an mri done couple mouths back. Cant remember what the terms that were in the results. Something about moderate problems with c1 and others. Was told I have to wait a year to see a spine specialist. There is no way I am waiting a year. One day I will just go into the emergency part of the hospital and make a big scene in there to get looked at. Where my skull and spine meet,it cracks and pops like crazy when I turn my head/neck in any position. Headaches,pressure in eyes, brain fog,etd and of course T. All neck problems I have are due to a fall I had years ago but I never got it checked. Will see what happens haha
I know for me there is definitely a connection. Ive had tinnitus for decades and had really habituated to it. A couple of weeks ago I was at the gym, turned my nevk to the right and felt/heard this cracking noise. My tinnitus volume DOUBLED immediately! I cant seem to habituate to this new level and not sure where to turn. Medicare doesnt cover anything related to hearing and I cant afford to spend anything. Any thoughts?? #scaredinLosAngeles
Very difficult to know what to do. I have a static type noise that is very annoying. I hope you can find some relief. I sometimes think mine is coming from my neck too, but may be just HF hearing loss. I do have some nearly silent days for some reason.
Fix the neck pain and the t will definitely go away. My t coincided with cervical issues. If you have t do you also have pain in and around you scalpula? If you do then most likely that t is caused by a known or unknown neck injury. It is possible your neck might not even hurt. If you suspect this start with a chiro who specializes in upper cervical and if you get relieve seek out a good ortho to fix the cervical issue permanently.

Absolutely, i suffer from left side scapula pain brought on by repetitive work disorder. Chiropractic intervention releived the pain for a while until it just didn't help anymore. Not long after i suffered a meniers like attack with hydrops and the rest that lasted for about a year.
The aftermath of this was tinnitus that has been fairly persistent.
Absolutely, i suffer from left side scapula pain brought on by repetitive work disorder. Chiropractic intervention releived the pain for a while until it just didn't help anymore. Not long after i suffered a meniers like attack with hydrops and the rest that lasted for about a year.
The aftermath of this was tinnitus that has been fairly persistent.

My ortho is a neck specialist. He fused my c6-7 2 years ago and t stopped for 18 months. I go back in 3 weeks for him to do 3 above it since they are/we're all bad from a neck injury 4 years ago. I was coming up the steps and hit my head on a rafter that knocked me out cold. Jammed my entire neck.
My PT was moving the ultrasound therapy wand on my neck muscles yesterday and my T fluctuated super crazy!!!!!! He relaxed those neck muscles and after one treatment my ears were back to normal and T was GONE! Total silence for 3 days and it has slightly come back. The PT told me my T and H can be because of muscle stiffness and spasms of the neck and after a couple of ultrasound therapy sittings it will reduce a bunch. By the way I got T after slamming my head on a concrete wall so I suspect its upper neck injury and inflammation or muscles of my neck playing a big role in producing T

@Asian same happened to me. I slammed me head against a cupboard with t in both ears as a result
I'm going to physio too. Took a month of therapy to lower the t. Physio also said tight muscles on its own can cause t. So definitly worth the try.
I have a very sore neck today and loud hissing. I think it could be muscle spasms. I had a 3 inch roll on top of my pillow and maybe messed my neck up? The super loud hissing is worse than the pain.
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There is definitely a relation between the neck and tinnitus! Dont know why the hell doctors would give you the feeling that is not the case.
My ortho is a neck specialist. He fused my c6-7 2 years ago and t stopped for 18 months. I go back in 3 weeks for him to do 3 above it since they are/we're all bad from a neck injury 4 years ago. I was coming up the steps and hit my head on a rafter that knocked me out cold. Jammed my entire neck.
Carl - You need more fusions? Won't that limit your neck rotation? I had C5-C7 fused but didn't seem to affect my noise. I think I aggravated my neck again...with the hissing the worst symptom. I'm not exactly sure how muscle spasms in the neck cause hissing but I'm quite sure that is causing it.
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My ortho is a neck specialist. He fused my c6-7 2 years ago and t stopped for 18 months. I go back in 3 weeks for him to do 3 above it since they are/we're all bad from a neck injury 4 years ago. I was coming up the steps and hit my head on a rafter that knocked me out cold. Jammed my entire neck.
Did the rafter get damaged? jk. Do you have more noise again from your neck? My noise is terrible atm and my neck hurts.
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What does tinnitus sound like when it is related to cervical issues?
Mine was a steady ringing and would fluctuate in loudness. i got to a point if i laid on my right side with my chin toward my chest that i could calm it. i would be driving down the road with 0 tinnitus and then when i would look hard too the right it would start a high pitch scream
I just found this thread. My tinnitus started out of nowhere. The ENT said I don't have any hearing loss. After a few weeks, I discovered that if I do neck stretches a few times a day, my tinnitus quiets down significantly.

My tinnitus is pulsatile (in sync with my heartbeat). I read in some medical journals that neck issues can obstruct blood flow and potentially cause pulsatile tinnitus. I've had poor posture for a long time, along with frequent back and neck pain.

Now, I'm working on improving my posture, doing regular neck stretches, and planning to see an ENT to explore this further.

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