Post COVID-19 Tinnitus

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Kathyk2082, Jul 6, 2024.

    1. Kathyk2082

      Kathyk2082 Member

      Spokane, WA
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:

      My name is Kathy. I stumbled upon Tinnitus Talk in my desperation for success stories. I always had very light tinnitus (I think from years of working with dental equipment), but it was never really bothersome. I tested positive for COVID-19 on June 21st, with mild symptoms, including ringing in the ears and headache. I took Paxlovid, which eliminated symptoms; once treatment was completed, tinnitus came back and hasn’t stopped yet. I saw an urgent care MD on July 2nd. He said there was inflammation and fluid, most likely causing tinnitus. I was prescribed Prednisone 20 mg daily for five days. I’m on day three, and no changes.

      I’m getting depressed that this will be something I will deal with for life. Is there any chance this will be resolved?
      • Hug Hug x 3
    2. Michael Leigh

      Michael Leigh Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

      Brighton, UK
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Noise induced
      Tinnitus often improves with time @Kathyk2082, and the same can happen to you.

      Although your tinnitus wasn't bothersome before because it was at a low level, your brain is now focusing on it due to its increase. Avoid quiet rooms and surroundings during the day, especially at night. Low-level sound enrichment can be achieved using a sound machine. More about this is explained in the link below: New to Tinnitus, What to Do?

      Tinnitus can often make people feel depressed in the early stages, so I advise that you talk to your GP/PCP and explain how you feel. If you have been listening to audio through any headphones, I advise you not to do so, even at low volume, as you risk worsening the tinnitus. Please go to my started threads and read my post: Tinnitus, A Personal View.

      Try not to worry too much. Hopefully with time your tinnitus will calm down.

      All the best,

      New to Tinnitus, What to Do? | Tinnitus Talk Support Forum
    3. Nick47

      Nick47 Member Podcast Patron Benefactor Ambassador Hall of Fame Advocate

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Hi @Kathyk2082 and welcome.

      I will summarise some options. Before I do, almost all research points to damage in the inner ear that changes cell activity in the brain. Most ENTs, audiologists, and doctors will tell you a variety of possible causes. They are guessing and are often way behind the research findings. COVID-19 can damage the inner ear, just like loud noises. Hearing is often 'normal' on an audiogram; however, that does not equal damage-free.

      In terms of options, some things are effective for some patients. For many, nothing is effective.

      Options are CBT for stress and depression to help manage the condition. If hearing loss is present, hearing aids are recommended.

      Clinicians involved in tinnitus research recommend a couple of low-dose pharmaceutical and neutraceutical cocktails. Single medications are not usually helpful. Two researchers (Dirk De Ridder and Hamid Djalilian) have cocktails they put patients on. Ideally, there should be no medication; however, if it is a big problem, then medication may be necessary.

      In general, the Alternative Treatments page is 'largely' nonsense. The main Treatments page has some options (like those mentioned) that could help. Do not rush out to buy vitamins and supplements; these can make you worse or, more likely, poorer.

      Also, depending on where you are, you could sign up for a clinical trial.

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    4. linearb

      linearb Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

      beliefs are makyo and reality ignores them
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      My already bad, already medicated tinnitus got noticeably worse after COVID-19 last fall.

      I found some (thin) research indicating Gabapentin might be helpful at 600 mg, and as I have a ton of that stuff, I took it at that dose for 2-3 weeks, which at least calmed me down.

      I have numerous friends with tinnitus who have had COVID-19; all of them had a worsening following the virus, mostly in the 2-4 weeks post-acute phase. Some people returned to baseline afterward; other people feel that COVID-19 did permanent damage.

      Being gentle with yourself and doing basic stuff like nutrition and maybe Magnesium can be somewhat helpful, but time (and not getting COVID-19 again!!) is going to be the biggest factor, probably.

      Good luck, may we all be healed, etc. <3

      Also, like you, I took Paxlovid. Weird drug.
      • Agree Agree x 2
    5. kingsfan

      kingsfan Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

      A town near you
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      turning everything up to 11
      COVID-19 also worsened my tinnitus. Strangely enough, Gabapentin helps alleviate my post-COVID-19 tinnitus but does little for my noise-induced tinnitus. I cannot take it regularly, though, as I only have a limited amount, and my ENT in my new location would not agree to refill my prescription.
    6. sspencermo

      sspencermo Member Podcast Patron Benefactor

      St. Louis, MO
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      COVID-19 vac? who knows?
      Ah, me too. My tinnitus started after my COVID-19 booster last fall. It had improved somewhat until I got COVID-19 for the first time in May. It definitely worsened in the month after I had recovered from COVID-19; I think I must have had some auto-immune reaction to the COVID-19 virus proteins. Like you, I took Paxlovid when COVID-19 started and also a short course of steroids after I had recovered (and when my tinnitus became worse).

      I'm hoping it calms down some more. My tinnitus is intermittent (very loud every third day, quiet in between), and COVID-19 didn't change the pattern -- just made my loud days louder.

      Wishing us all a robust recovery and to never catch COVID-19 again!
    7. Ksharky13

      Ksharky13 Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Suspect COVID-19 vaccine - Moderna booster in 12/2021
      This is my worst fear. I have rather mild tinnitus (possibly from my original vaccine booster back in 2021) and have lived in constant fear of having something, like a COVID-19 infection or some medication like an SSRI, make it much worse. Posts like this amp up my anxiety. It’s to the extent that I refuse to get another vaccine booster or take medications recommended by providers. I thought the newer strains/mutations of the COVID-19 virus were reportedly much milder than the earlier variants. I’ve known several people with tinnitus, but none have complained. It seems so random.

      I’m thinking of getting a Novavax booster. From what I’ve read, the side effects seem milder than the mRNA vaccines. I understand that the Novavax vaccine uses dead virus cells that cause the immune system to produce antibodies (basically the same as the flu vaccine and many other traditional vaccines) versus the mRNA vaccines that create spike proteins all over the body that our immune system then attacks. It also seems that tinnitus from a vaccine is more likely to fade or get better with time than tinnitus from the virus.

      Does anybody have any thoughts, information, or experience with the Novavax vaccine? Thank you.
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