I was doing some internet searches on red light therapy and low-level laser therapy and it led me to a couple of posts on Tinnitus Talk so I figured I'd offer an update to this post as to my progress since this began in March 2020.
I am doing much better mentally and this has in turn helped my hyperacusis greatly.
The setback that I mentioned in this thread from May 2021 lasted a month or so and then began to normalize.
I have found that the more I dwell on this condition, the more it will debilitate me. The brain is a very "plastic" organ and can be easily molded into acting and reacting a certain way based on our thoughts. Reading some of the posts in here I see what a terrible place some are stuck in If you are reading this know that there is hope. I am a functioning hyperacusis individual... I own my own small business in home improvement, I have a family I spend time with, and I do my best to live my life as normal as possible while knowing that this condition is and might always be a part of me. I go to stores, I meet with clients, I watch movies with my kids, I go to my sons soccer games, my daughters swim meets, I take my wife to restaurants. I just took the whole family to an amusement park for a whole day.
Do I experience discomfort in some of these situations? Yes I do.
Do I have to make certain concessions in these situations? Yes I do.
Do I put myself in situations where I know it will be too much for my ears? No I don't.
The key is finding the line in the sand and then ever so slightly pushing that line as time progresses. Also I've realized that like my bad back, I'm going to have good days and bad days. This is an annoying ailment but ailments are part of life. If I am constantly in a negative state then I will never progress. I think that misophonia becomes a much bigger part of this then most who suffer realize. It's the brain reacting negatively to the sound, and in turn making that sound intolerable. It's as simple as the Pavlov conditioned response experiment.
I think acceptance is the first step to recovery in cases like mine. Learning the physiological capacity of this condition helped me as well. To know what is happening inside my head physically helps.
I also know that in my case there is no pill that I am going to take that will solve this ultimately. Feeling sorry for myself also has no place. Regretting the past also has no place. Thinking about my ears constantly has no place. I listen to my body and when it's time to rest than I listen. When a setback occurs, I use it as an opportunity to recover quicker than the last one. I must tap into my inner strength to beat this mentally while also doing my best physically. That includes eating a low sugar, anti-inflammatory diet. I make sure I get the sleep and rest my ears need. I listen to rain sounds every night. I listen to my body and although I push the line in the name of progress, I do my best not to push it too far.
I started this post mentioning red light and lasers and that's where I'll end. I'm currently trying to nail down some regular maintenance that will help cellular repair in my head, ears, and back.
And as an example of how plastic the brain is,my ears are more sore finishing this post then they were when I started it. This is a great site with soldiers fighting a battle, but in my case the less I think about my ears and the less I'm on sites like Tinnitus Talk, the better. One must focus their energy on something else. We have been blessed with this day and we must make the most of it. The strength I need to beat this is from within.
Each one of you reading this has the strength within as well, you just have to find it. And you will.