Announcement Problems Registering on the Site?

Tinnitus Talk

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Jan 23, 2012
If someone tries to register on Tinnitus Talk with an email address that doesn't work/doesn't exist, the system notifies me of that (aka. the registration confirmation email bounces).

That seemed to happen twice today, by the same person. Both time he or she tried to register using the same email address, which didn't exist, thus he or she never received the confirmation email and the account couldn't be confirmed.

If you are having problems with registering, I suggest the following:
  • double check that the email you are entering is correct, no typographical errors.
  • if you are sure the email address is correct, check your spam/junk mail folder, in case the confirmation email happened to go there, sometimes emails get classified as spam even though they are not.
  • if the above didn't help, then contact me by scrolling down on the page and clicking "Contact Us" in the footer. Write the username / password you'd like on the site and then I'll manually create the account. Once I've created the account, I'll send you an email. This all happens within 24 hours. If you don't receive an email back from me, then it's safe to assume there's a problem with the address & you can just try and log in the next day, the account should have been created by then. Finally when you are logged in, you can browse to your account and change the password.
Last but not least, welcome to Tinnitus Talk! :)

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