Wow, this is stuff is tough. Went to see an Audio yesterday about getting Aids with maskers. she was confident with my moderate hearing loss they would help, will be in in a week, Came to work , had a decent day. Usually when I get home around 7pm I head straight to my bedroom and watch TV. not tnite, I actually ate dinner in silence by myself, my T was ringing but no prob ( my family already ate) then I went upstairs and surfed the web- again in silence no problem. Watched some TV until 12- T was ringing but ok-even tried to go to sleep without my usual .5 klonopin, slept till 7:30pm. Woke up miserable?? By 11am I had to pop a klonopin to calm me down, first time I remember taking one during the day. Whats up with that-is this a small step forward and something to be expected? I am so confused??? Please tell me I am going in the right direction, but need to expect detours