@BobbyH Hello Bobby, some things that I need to focus on more as I get older.
1. Joint and muscle care - light exercise - walking to increase circulation, very simple posture exercises
2. Dehydration - drink water
3. Control salt and sugar
4. A balanced diet
5. Vitamins - small amounts for oxygen
6. Magnesium chelate for noise exposure instead of use of prednisone
At least not using prednisone long term for a noise exposure
Prednisone can weaken bones and cause dental problems, especially for older people and that can cause more infection
7. Very light gentle massage and breathing exercise
The above will help with both physical and emotional stress, but also to control any bacteria
and toxins developing in mouth, affecting bones and muscles.
Toxins, bacteria and dehydration is often what causes T increase as we get older besides loud noise and not slow careful withdrawal after discontinuation of a drug. I'm certainly not a health expect, but I do know that toxins and bacteria and lack of water can lead to more infections and problems as we get older.
Just drinking water is so important.