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Pulsatile Tinnitus in Left Ear


Nov 22, 2017
Tinnitus Since
August 2015
Cause of Tinnitus
Hi everyone,

I have been experiencing pulsatile tinnitus in my left year for almost 2.5 years. I am 34 now, but a couple of years ago I was sitting nursing my daughter and started hearing my heartbeat. It would come and go, so I took note of it, and then decided to mention it to my PCP within a month or so. He sent me to an ENT, who was very proactive and called me all of the time to discuss steps and results. I had a hearing test (totally normal hearing) and then an MRI. There was nothing fine. He told me I was fine and sometimes thinner people experience this or I could have narrowing of the arteries, nothing serious.

So, I got pregnant again. I was warned the tinnitus could worsen, but it didn't really. It's sometimes bad (especially when I go from sitting to standing/standing to sitting or am laying down in bed) and sometimes I don't hear it at all. It's played with me emotionally because I just don't feel like "it's nothing." After my pregnancy, I contacted my ENT again and just asked if there was anything else I should do. He ordered a CT and after another significant test, everything came out fine. I was relieved, but not satisfied that once again, it's just how it was.

A few months ago I saw my pcp for a physical and mentioned how annoying it is. Fortunately, I have no other symptoms that make anyone worry (headaches, vision, etc.), but he recommended I see another ENT. I did last week, and she sent me to a neurologist to rule out hypertension. The neurologist doesn't think I need to be tested for that since I don't get headaches and such, but she and the ENT ordered a MRA/MRV to look closely at the veins/arteries. I am still concerned something is wrong, and would like to hear other's experiences if their pulsatile tinnitus ended up being nothing, or if it was something, if it was treatable/non life-threatening. I have a 4, 2, and 11 mo old and am concerned about going for a 4th if there is some underlying issue.

A little more info: when I press on my neck (I have to find the right spot) it will go away, but comes back when I take my hand off. It is a fuller/louder sound when I squat down, bend over, etc. But when I'm out and about, I usually don't hear it. I am otherwise healthy, have hypothyroidism but am routinely checked and take a supplement.

Thank you for listening and any advice/thoughts are welcomed!
Hi, @Nichole,

I also have PT. It is in one ear only (right ear). My PT started after I took a blood pressure drug for the first time. Before that, I did have regular tinnitus in my right ear only, and now I have both tinnitus and pulsatile tinnitus in the right ear.

There may be a connection to being hypothyroid. I'm hypothyroid, too, and I believe those of us with this condition find that our ears are more sensitive to injury. I've heard of a number of people who have PT who are also hypothyroid.

I'm glad you're going to have the MRA/MRV done, and hope that the doctor will be able to find some explanation for your condition.

Please do update us after you have your test results. I'll be interested to hear what the outcome is.

Best wishes,
Hi all
I've got pulsatile tinnitus too in my left ear. Started over 1.5 years ago, just randomly when I woke up one day! It's not gone since. I can't find anything that makes it go away, although lying in that side makes it slightly quieter.

I had an mri which showed nothing. The ent say that it's allergies because they made me have a blood test and it said I had a high reaction to dust and now she's saying that's what's causing my tinnitus. I just don't believe this though!! :(

Sometimes I can feel this pressure in my head and it gets louder with excercise or if I bend over. I can almost feel it. I feel like I've been left to get on with it now but I'm getting scared that this is going to be here for the rest of my life. Don't know where to turn next...
I have it in my right ear only, going on 6 weeks now, as a result of a myringotomy and tubes being put in my ears, due to eustachian tube issues. We did a CT scan to rule out tumor and such, and I'm glad we did that. Good luck with your tests.
Hi everyone. New to the PT Forums. I too have PT. It started the last week of November (2017). Went to my regular doctor who thought it might be allergies (I don't have allergies) who sent me on to an ENT.
The ENT sent me on for a series of MRI's which I just completed this past Thursday (April 5, 2018). Guess I will find out the results this next Friday when I go back to see my ENT doctor. From reading this forum, I'm thinking my ENT doctor might not have an answer any different than you have all been experiencing.
I have it in both ears. My left ear started symptoms first. A few months later, my right ear blocked. The left ear is worse. It does quiet down at night thank heavens! But returns the moment I sit up. It also seems to ramp up in pressure when I wash my hair. I have tried ear plugs. Can't talk on the phone as that makes the pressure worse so I use the speakerphone option. Bending over makes it worse. I also was diagnosed recently with hypothyroidism. In October of last year, I came down with Bells Palsy so was wondering if that may have triggered my PT. Hate to think that I might have this for the rest of my life.
Interesting to note, my brother has this also. He also had Bell's Palsy prior to coming down with PT. He has had it for several years now and said it isn't as bad now as it was in the early stages. I am hoping for the same. Actually, would be so grateful if it just went away! Resigned to the fact that it won't happen.
Glad to find this group.
Hi Nichole,
Well I have all my results from the MRI's (2 of them, 1 with contrast and one without) and the MRA that my ENT prescribed for me. Went to his office yesterday for the results consultation. Nothing abnormal showed up. Guess that means we are back to square one. He did state that I do have Pulsatile Tinnitus. Do it is 'official'. Wants to send me to one more doctor for a test (neurologist). He said at this point that he doesn't think it will show any abnormalities but wanted to be sure.
My next appointment with him will be in August. Beginning to think it might be a waste of time. He made it kind of clear that I will have to learn how to live with it. He feels the symptoms will lesson with time. My brother, who has had PT for the past 7 years, already told me that for free!
Wish I had better news on what can be done to help those of us with this. 'You'll just have to learn to live with it' seems to be the advice most of us are hearing from our doctors.
May I ask a few questions:
What does your pulsatile tinnitus sound like?
Can you change it by jaw or head movements?
Can you change it by squeezing blood vessels? (At your own risk;)).
Can the sound be heard by the examiner? (objective Tinnitus).
Remind: There is also somatic pulsatile tinnitus (Levine et al.)

This is one of the best paper:
Hi, @JudyLV,

I've had pulsatile tinnitus for almost 8 years now. Have had a lot of tests, but nothing significant was found, so I too have been living with it as best I can.

I also have hypothyroidism, and I think that may be a contributing factor; I've heard from other people who have hypothyroidism and PT. It may make us more susceptible to getting this condition.

My pulsating started suddenly, after taking a blood pressure drug for the first time. It didn't happen immediately; I think it started about a month later.

Will be interested to hear if you decide to go for more tests, or for another opinion.

Best wishes,
Hi Karen,
I will go in for the neurologist visit. I doubt if he/she will find anything, but at this point, I'm willing to exhaust all options available. I'm also going to ask my GP doctor for a referral to another ENT for a second opinion. Meanwhile, I'm just resigned to the fact that I need to learn to live with it.
Tinniger, the sounds I hear are varied. I sometimes hear a faint thumping and at other times a whooshing sound. My brother, who was diagnosed with PT several years ago, also hears a high pitch ringing in addition to the whooshing.
I haven't found a way to change/releave the sounds I am experiencing. It does fade away significantly when I go to bed at night as long as I lay my left ear on the pillow. Unfortunately, it returns the moment I sit up each morning.
As to your question about my doctor hearing it, I'm pretty sure he could not.
By any chance, has anyone on this board had or have, a slight sensation of weakness in their legs since 'aquireing' PT? I've been experiencing this and just wondered if anyone else has felt this too.


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