Hi everyone, this is my first post here. I have lurked on this website for a couple of years now, here and there, but decided it was time to make an account. I also want to apoligise, this post will probably be quite long, i hope that's okay. I also hope it's okay to talk about the ear conditions i am about to mention, some of them are tinnitus related, others are not, but i just wanted to see if anyone here could perhaps relate to some of the other things too. I look forward to talking with you all, and hope you are having a bright day
Since i was young i have suffered with Patulous Eustachian Tubes, which means i have lots of air in my middle ear, and as a result suffer from autophony ( hearing my own voice and breathing very loud and echoey ). I used to sniff in to fix this as it would close the tube back up and suck the air in and i never thought anymore of it, as annoying as it was. Now about 2 or so years ago, randomly out of no-where i had tinnitus start up, when it first started i thought it was like the usual ring you get in your ear from time to time, only this one did not go. Not long after that i then developed Pulsatile Tinnitus in my right ear. It was around this time i did some research and found out names for all of the ear conditions i had. I found a great ENT specialist and booked in to see him.
I learnt from seeing him, that i did indeed have Patulous Eustachian Tubes ( i was always told by doctors growing up it was Eustachian Tube Dysfunction ), although saying that, he did also say i do have a minor case of ETD too, although they are complete opposite things. He informed me my ears were very retracted due to all the sniffing i had done over the years and were in very bad shape, i also have one of the hearing bones missing in each ear. It was suggested i could have bio-plastique put into my tubes to help with the Patulous Eustachian Tube problem, but to see how i get on otherwise using ear drops that are meant to help close it. He also referred me for a CT scan with contrast dye in the mean time to try and see if we can find what's causing my Pulsatile Tinnitus.
During the period in-between waiting to see him again i then also developed a very loud vibration sound. I hear this constantly, and it has got much worse over the last couple of years, it sounds like a truck engine has been placed inside my head and i can constantly feel and hear it all around my head/ears. It is very distressing and extremely loud, so that coupled with the pulsatile tinnitus made it very difficult to sleep at night. I also developed a horrible loud reaction noise on my right eardrum, it basically feels like it is being plunged in and out rapidly and has a loud air rush sound in it when it does this. Kinda similar to the sound of a metal sheet being rapidly bent in the air, if that makes any sense lol. It moves and reacts to the sounds of my voice, a light switch turning on or off, a fork or plate clanging, clapping or any type of high pitched sound. So, anyways, i got around to my next appointment, my scan results came back and apparently there was nothing on the scan to show what could be causing my Pulsatile Tinnitus. Which to me was both fantastic news but also worry, as i still want to find the cause. Although on the up side he did say my ears were looking a little better as i managed to stop sniffing in all the time, he said the fluid behind my eardrum looked to have drained a bit, which is great.
Before my last visit to see him, this February just gone, i also developed a new problem in my left ear, that whenever i move my jaw, open or close, i will get a very loud air rush sound. I am used to air rushing sounds due to my PET, but this is very different, a lot louder than normal. I also have noticed i am losing my hearing more than usual in my right ear. I did mention this when i went to see him last, but unfortunately he had a look in my ears and informed me my right ear is in a very bad state. Apparently it is collecting dead skin on the eardrum, and because of the nature of my ears he is worried it will form a cholesteatoma so recommends i have mastoid surgery. He is a little worried to operate on me though as i have a lot of anxiety due to all my ear, and many other, health conditions, so i'm currently waiting to see another Doctor for a second opinion on whether he thinks i should have the Mastoid Surgery. This is currently where i am at, at the moment, although i have had another problem start up too. I also now get a loud clicking sound whenever i am breathing in or out in my right ear. So i still don't really know what is causing this Pulsatile Tinnitus, or Loud vibrations, or ear reaction sounds and movements ( could possibly be TTTS, but made worse due to the PET, although i have taken magnesium but this has not helped ), but i'm pushing through it all as hard as it is.
Life is a wonderful thing and I am very grateful and blessed for every day i get, and just hope i can find some answers soon to try and help some of these ear things.
Sorry for the mini essay, i just wanted to kind of let it all out.
I want to also say a big thank you to everybody on here, as i have lurked on here before, and it is nice to sometimes feel like you are not so alone, as horrible as some of these things can be. So thank you everybody and i hope you are all having a great day/evening.

Since i was young i have suffered with Patulous Eustachian Tubes, which means i have lots of air in my middle ear, and as a result suffer from autophony ( hearing my own voice and breathing very loud and echoey ). I used to sniff in to fix this as it would close the tube back up and suck the air in and i never thought anymore of it, as annoying as it was. Now about 2 or so years ago, randomly out of no-where i had tinnitus start up, when it first started i thought it was like the usual ring you get in your ear from time to time, only this one did not go. Not long after that i then developed Pulsatile Tinnitus in my right ear. It was around this time i did some research and found out names for all of the ear conditions i had. I found a great ENT specialist and booked in to see him.
I learnt from seeing him, that i did indeed have Patulous Eustachian Tubes ( i was always told by doctors growing up it was Eustachian Tube Dysfunction ), although saying that, he did also say i do have a minor case of ETD too, although they are complete opposite things. He informed me my ears were very retracted due to all the sniffing i had done over the years and were in very bad shape, i also have one of the hearing bones missing in each ear. It was suggested i could have bio-plastique put into my tubes to help with the Patulous Eustachian Tube problem, but to see how i get on otherwise using ear drops that are meant to help close it. He also referred me for a CT scan with contrast dye in the mean time to try and see if we can find what's causing my Pulsatile Tinnitus.
During the period in-between waiting to see him again i then also developed a very loud vibration sound. I hear this constantly, and it has got much worse over the last couple of years, it sounds like a truck engine has been placed inside my head and i can constantly feel and hear it all around my head/ears. It is very distressing and extremely loud, so that coupled with the pulsatile tinnitus made it very difficult to sleep at night. I also developed a horrible loud reaction noise on my right eardrum, it basically feels like it is being plunged in and out rapidly and has a loud air rush sound in it when it does this. Kinda similar to the sound of a metal sheet being rapidly bent in the air, if that makes any sense lol. It moves and reacts to the sounds of my voice, a light switch turning on or off, a fork or plate clanging, clapping or any type of high pitched sound. So, anyways, i got around to my next appointment, my scan results came back and apparently there was nothing on the scan to show what could be causing my Pulsatile Tinnitus. Which to me was both fantastic news but also worry, as i still want to find the cause. Although on the up side he did say my ears were looking a little better as i managed to stop sniffing in all the time, he said the fluid behind my eardrum looked to have drained a bit, which is great.
Before my last visit to see him, this February just gone, i also developed a new problem in my left ear, that whenever i move my jaw, open or close, i will get a very loud air rush sound. I am used to air rushing sounds due to my PET, but this is very different, a lot louder than normal. I also have noticed i am losing my hearing more than usual in my right ear. I did mention this when i went to see him last, but unfortunately he had a look in my ears and informed me my right ear is in a very bad state. Apparently it is collecting dead skin on the eardrum, and because of the nature of my ears he is worried it will form a cholesteatoma so recommends i have mastoid surgery. He is a little worried to operate on me though as i have a lot of anxiety due to all my ear, and many other, health conditions, so i'm currently waiting to see another Doctor for a second opinion on whether he thinks i should have the Mastoid Surgery. This is currently where i am at, at the moment, although i have had another problem start up too. I also now get a loud clicking sound whenever i am breathing in or out in my right ear. So i still don't really know what is causing this Pulsatile Tinnitus, or Loud vibrations, or ear reaction sounds and movements ( could possibly be TTTS, but made worse due to the PET, although i have taken magnesium but this has not helped ), but i'm pushing through it all as hard as it is.
Life is a wonderful thing and I am very grateful and blessed for every day i get, and just hope i can find some answers soon to try and help some of these ear things.

Sorry for the mini essay, i just wanted to kind of let it all out.
I want to also say a big thank you to everybody on here, as i have lurked on here before, and it is nice to sometimes feel like you are not so alone, as horrible as some of these things can be. So thank you everybody and i hope you are all having a great day/evening.