Questions About Ear Muscle Spasms and Pulsatile Tinnitus


Feb 9, 2016
Tinnitus Since
Not sure if this is the right forum to post this in, but here goes:

Trying to put the pieces together as to what's causing my tinnitus. It began after getting off one antidepressant, and beginning another. However, I had some ear anomalies before that.

I've always had some (SLIGHT) sensitivity to loud sounds, especially in the morning when I first get up.

Maybe 3 or 4 times in the past several years, when I've gone to bed at night there's a faint clicking or ticking that sounds like it's in my throat or ear. Want to stress that that's only happened on a few occasions.

Within the past several years, I get a crunching sound, or like a sound of strained air moving in my left ear if I'm riding in my car listening to music, and certain high pitches hit my ear. Only happens once in a while.

When I wake up in the morning, while I'm lying in bed if I yawn/stretch my body, I get that high, strained air moving sound in my ears, and like rhythmic contraction of muscles which makes it sound like a "whoosh, whoosh, whoosh,", and then it stops.

If I make a high, sharp noise like clinking a fork on a plate, my left ear makes a "cr-crunch" sound immediately after, and I can feel it. It's like a muscle contracting.

2 years ago I had tinnitus for a month, where I was hearing 2 different tones in my right ear going back and forth in a morse code pattern. This coincided with a crackling sound in my ear. My doc said probably fluid in ear. It resolved, but returned on numerous occasions (much fainter) and the back-and-forth of the two tones would sometimes switch to just the higher tone happening in sync with my heartbeat.

I have about 6 different tinnitus sounds now. Every 6-7 weeks, a new sound has showed up.

When I am very relaxed, like when I wake up and haven't gotten out of bed yet, I don't hear very much in the way of tinnitus. But as I get more and more awake, and get up, the sounds pick up. It seems like it's connected to general arousal level, or blood circulation or something.

I also have been getting the "fleeting tinnitus" several times a month. Where all of a sudden I hear an "eeeee" for just a few seconds and it fades out.

Does this sound like TTTS or Stapedial myoclonus?
And can the spasming of those muscles ever cause pulsatile tinnitus?

I am still in "discontinuation syndrome" as they call it, from an antidepressant. I had a severe reaction to coming off that medication. One of the bigger symptoms from that has been muscle tightness and spasms (and general anxiety). I have been having trouble with that for about 14 months. However, the tinnitus didn't begin until the fall after I got off that med completely, and started a new antidepressant.
Hi there. I know this post is ancient by now but I can't help but notice an eerie amount of similarities between your type of tinnitus and mine. The whooshing, the crunching, the twitching, the morse code sounds, the fact that its much quieter in the morning and changes so frequently - these are all my symptoms to a T (no pun intended). It's a longshot that you'll see this (I hope for your sake you have no more reason to be on this forum) but if you happen to I'd really love to know how you're doing and if you had any success in treating, lessening, or resolving your unique type of tinnitus.

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