Spent at least an hour researching reviews about this product. Tucked away on p. 3 of Google Search, after many websites saying how great Quiet Mind Plus is:
Peter Panda
April 20, 2017 at 10:50 am
Exactly like your case I ordered four bottles of "QUIET MIND PLUS" against "Tennitus and Brain disorders". They charged me 12! bottles for 220 Euro= 240 $. I asked for refund and responded that they cannot refund because they already shipped them. I had to receive them first, send them back and if they receive the parcel they said that they gone refund my card. So, I received a parcel at 20th of March with 9! bottles which returned back immidiatelly.
Im still waiting!
Mark Otto
April 13, 2017 at 2:27 pm
I received an email about a product that was supposed to cure tinnitus as well as "repair" your memory and stop any onset or progress of dementia or alzheimers. The five minute video turned into 30 minutes but I stayed tuned because they described my tinnitus and all related symptoms to a tee. After denouncing all the herbal, music and other types of bogus cures and talking about how tinnitus is not a problem with the ear but with the brain I knew they were a scam. Then they go on to offer their exclusive "herbal" formula, called Quiet Mind Plus, that has now helped over 47,000 people. The success numbers just keep growing. Further evidence of a scam. They go big on how the only people who have access are members of Mensa, the government and corporate executives.Big Pharma is keeping it out of the hands of poor schmucks like us. Playing up the class warfare game is popular these days. This is the same crap as Quietus and other herbal "remedies" that keep coming out, taking peoples' money and giving absolutely NO results. Stay away from these scamming thieves. That is all they are. Get some real facts at ata.com, the American Tinnitus Association. There is no cure, only treatment to help you deal with the problem. When there finally is a legitimate cure, the world will know about it and it won't come from two bit pick pockets like Software Projects, Inc.