Random Pains


Jul 7, 2014
Rockford IL
Tinnitus Since
Cause of Tinnitus
Acoustic trauma / firecracker

I haven't been around for a while, but I had some questions about Headaches, eye pains, and other facial random pains. I was just wondering if anyone is dealing with these sympthom's after an accustic trama of their tinnitus or hyperacusis. Any information would be appricated. Feel free to PM me if you like. I hope that I posted this in the right place.

Thank You

I've noticed some odd aches and pains seemingly without cause. Some literature ascribes this kind of sensation to TTTS and the spasming of muscles affecting other muscles and nerves.

Thank you for responding. I don't think that's it with me. My sympthoms came up out of know where the next day after I was out side on a cold day ( around 20 degrees ) clearing the snow off of my stairs. I was only out side for about 10 minutes or less and I had ear plugs in, when all the sudden I had ear pain in both ears. I went right inside to warm up and the pain went away. However the next day I started to get and still have chronic headaches, dizziness, jaw/teeth pain and now ear pain. I have no idea how this could have all come from the short expousre to the cold, but its been two weeks and I'm still suffering. Its crazy and I know it. If anyone here has ever had this happen I would like to hear from you. I have a bad feeling that I may have done some nerve damage to the nerves around the inner ear, or the inner ear itself. My ENT and Audiogist told me it was very unlikely, so I have no idea what's going on ?

Thank You


PS: Where is the spell checker on here, I'm new to this site, and I still have no idea where it is ?

I haven't been around for a while, but I had some questions about Headaches, eye pains, and other facial random pains. I was just wondering if anyone is dealing with these sympthom's after an accustic trama of their tinnitus or hyperacusis. Any information would be appricated. Feel free to PM me if you like. I hope that I posted this in the right place.

Thank You


I get lots of ear pain and occasional jaw pain, but not headaches. Headaches are common with H though. You have to remember that your auditory system is hypersensitive right now and so everything that goes on in and around your ears is going to be more pronounced. Give it time and you will get better! :)

Thank You for your kind words of encouragement, I'm sorry that I did not write back sooner I haven't been on for awhile. I was starting to think that I was the only one in the world with this crazy problem. I sure hope it does get better over time because the ear pain and headaches alone are driving me nuts. My tinnitus is now a non issue, compared to all the other problems that I have to deal with now. I still cant believe what is going on with me, it makes no sense at all. I have never had ear pain and headaches before in my life and I have had tinnitus for almost 30 years. I have to say my new condition really puts things into perspective. I'm thinking of going to see a Otolaryngologist but It would bet it would be a waste of time and money, probably cant do anything about my symptoms anyway. Nerve damage is a done deal. And I'm convinced that is what is going on, something went horribly wrong when I was out in the cold that day 3 weeks ago. Though all of my doctors keep telling me "Its very unlikely that it had anything to do with it" But I don't believe in coincidences.

I was just wondering how often do you have ear pain ? If you don't mind me asking and is it due to sound ? What can I expect ?

Thank You for your time


Thank You for your kind words of encouragement, I'm sorry that I did not write back sooner I haven't been on for awhile. I was starting to think that I was the only one in the world with this crazy problem. I sure hope it does get better over time because the ear pain and headaches alone are driving me nuts. My tinnitus is now a non issue, compared to all the other problems that I have to deal with now. I still cant believe what is going on with me, it makes no sense at all. I have never had ear pain and headaches before in my life and I have had tinnitus for almost 30 years. I have to say my new condition really puts things into perspective. I'm thinking of going to see a Otolaryngologist but It would bet it would be a waste of time and money, probably cant do anything about my symptoms anyway. Nerve damage is a done deal. And I'm convinced that is what is going on, something went horribly wrong when I was out in the cold that day 3 weeks ago. Though all of my doctors keep telling me "Its very unlikely that it had anything to do with it" But I don't believe in coincidences.

I was just wondering how often do you have ear pain ? If you don't mind me asking and is it due to sound ? What can I expect ?

Thank You for your time


Have you been checked for TMJD? The cold hurts my ears too.
I don't recommend that any newbis read this post it's very depressing, and I don't want to make anyone feel bad.

I wasn't going to update on this but its been a month now of total suffering and I'm still going through a horrible time dealing with my increasing tinnitus and hyperacusis. I have been trying to figure out how I got to this point, and what to do to fix it. I have talked to many Ent's, audiologist and even pharmacist's and asked if their were any reports of prednisone steroids or being out in the cold or a combination of the two could have caused such a crazy problem, I was told NO WAY, that if anything the medication is supposed to help hearing issues, and that they are prescribed all of the time by Ent's for acoustic trauma, so go figure, this outcome is impossible. My Ent told me that my problems are all caused by stress and anxiety. But it seems to be getting worse every day no matter what I do, sound or no sound. I guess I just need to vent or I'm not sure what I will do to myself, I feel so helpless and frustrated, for the first time in my life I have been getting very dark thoughts, and I'm starting to feel like what's the point of living anymore ? I have not gone outside in over 10 days. I have stopped all sound inside my home I even stopped my grandfather clock from chiming ( I know that's not a good thing ) but it seems like its the only way that I can cope right now. Every sound now is way too loud. I don't get pain, but it's really loud and seems to be increasing my tinnitus every day. Even if I just open my front door and stand on my porch I feel like its way too loud, it just does not sound right. I can't even watch TV at a normal level so now I'm trying to watch it with CC, driving is out of the question at this point even with ear plugs and or gun muffs, I would not even attempt it, plus with the random headaches and dizziness that comes up with no warning its probably not safe anyway anymore. Even trying to talk on my cell phone to my family and friends has become almost impossible work, I have to hold the phone way from my ear and talk softly, and if I talk too long after I get off, I can end up with some low ear pain for awhile. My hearing has now taken me prisoner and I don't know what I'm going to do about it. I would like to seek medical help, but even riding in a car to get to a doctor seems not possible, even with ear plugs and gun muffs they would probably not protect me enough to get there safely. Not that I think that any doctor could help me anyway. If I had to guess I would say that my LDL's are probably in the 40's now I would be afraid to even have them tested at this point in fear of more damage to my ears. The only good thing is that My ear pain has went down a lot I don't even get it every day anymore. Thank goodness I'm retired and don't have to go to work every day it would be impossible at this point.

I'm sorry for such a desperate post and I'm sorry if this post has a negative impact on any newbies, it was not my intention.

Thank You for letting me pull your ear, and vent.


Oh: Sleepless soul, I did check out symptoms of "trigeminal nerve" and I don't have that, but Thank You for the suggestion it was a good one.

Lynn: No I don't believe I have TMJD, but it was also a very good question Thank You, sorry that I did not get back to you both sooner.
"My Ent told me that my problems are all caused by stress and anxiety."

Which is ENT-code for "I have no idea but I better pretend I do so I can bill you the full amount I think my precious, precious time is worth".

That's the truth for sure, I'ts their default answer, another one is "What can I say this is why what I do is called "A practice".

im on my 4th month with t but i get ear pain with cold weathers for years, only on my right ear though. it's really annoying and painful
Quiet at night, I am so sorry that you are suffering so much. I don't know what to say because I am practically in the same boat, emotionally and physically at this point too.
It really gets the best of me also and I have had no improvement. It's very scary especially with the ear pain and headaches, jaw pain h and t, both high and low pitched.
I have been in the dark place many times in my life and it sucks. I don't think you need to apologize for a negative post. That is how you feel and you are going through a horrible time. Doctors aren't of much help. I learned that with other health conditions, along with this one. I pray each day I don't get worse either. Hang in there Louie.

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