Hi! I've had this problem for quite sometime and have not found a similar story. I have always had ringing in my ears - I thought this was normal until I mentioned it to a friend in my 20s. Thus, it doesn't really bother me because I know no other.
During my mid 20s I started experiencing this random thumping in my ears - not to the sound of my heart; goes fast, then slow, kind of like a rotary phone. It's in both ears but mostly my left. It only happens with low frequencies - low hum of a computer, heat traveling through pipes, a clothes dryer, fan, refrigerator, echos in a small room (bathroom), etc.
It's very annoying, causing great anxiety and sometimes resulting in many tears. If the hum/sound stops, the thumping stops within a few seconds. I can also sometimes tilt my head away from the direction of the sound and it will go away (often this is a very uncomfortable tilt).
But sometimes the sound is all around and there's no escaping until it stops. I have trouble sleeping at night because of this.
I have been to an ENT and had full testing. My hearing is above average for my age. He basically said it was all in my head and I'm fine. Well I'm not!
Does anyone have any experience with this?
Is there anyway to find a really really good specialist to help me? I'm less than an hour from NYC, there must be someone there. Thanks!
During my mid 20s I started experiencing this random thumping in my ears - not to the sound of my heart; goes fast, then slow, kind of like a rotary phone. It's in both ears but mostly my left. It only happens with low frequencies - low hum of a computer, heat traveling through pipes, a clothes dryer, fan, refrigerator, echos in a small room (bathroom), etc.
It's very annoying, causing great anxiety and sometimes resulting in many tears. If the hum/sound stops, the thumping stops within a few seconds. I can also sometimes tilt my head away from the direction of the sound and it will go away (often this is a very uncomfortable tilt).
But sometimes the sound is all around and there's no escaping until it stops. I have trouble sleeping at night because of this.
I have been to an ENT and had full testing. My hearing is above average for my age. He basically said it was all in my head and I'm fine. Well I'm not!
Does anyone have any experience with this?
Is there anyway to find a really really good specialist to help me? I'm less than an hour from NYC, there must be someone there. Thanks!