Inspired by @David S's thread, please complete the survey here:
Just curios how you would rate your T. I have 6 questions for you witch i hope give a god picture. I do not focus on the sound it self but the reaction. Did I miss any good question? Is any of them unnecessary? If you feel that you are between 2 questions us 2 of 4.
My score would come out to 5,3,3,3,3,3=20. Would rate this between moderate and severe. My life is still deeply affected by T but under control.
1P/ I am just aware of my tinnitus a few times a day.
3P / I am aware of my tinnitus a big part of the day, however hours could pass when I am not thinking of it.
5P / I am constantly aware of my tinnitus, sometimes it happens that I do not think about it for 15-30 minutes.
1P / My sleep is almost as good as before.
3P / I struggle with sleep and wake up a few times every night.
5P / Sleep is a mess and I never sleep more than 2-3 hours in a row. It is also very hard for me to fall asleep.
Life changes:
1P / I do pretty much the same things as before tinnitus. Just avoid really loud places like concerts and clubs.
3P / I live my life almost like before but there is quite some changes like I do not listen to music any more. I am not as social as I used to be. I quit sports. I avoid not only the really loud places but also pubs/restaurants. I avoid long trips in plane or by car.
5P / My life completely changed. It is a struggle for me to maintain work/studies. I feel very isolated.
1P / I feel depressed but it's not too bad. I've felt down like this before.
3P / I never experienced depression like this before. I clearly feel that I am not as active as I used to be.
5P / I am really depressed, but not only that I also have anxiety attacks as well.
Life quality:
1P / This is not too bad, I just think about my tinnitus a few times a day.
3P / I lost quite a bit of my life quality. My silent moments were very important in the past to just chill, get back to balance and absorb energy. That's now all gone. Anyway I still have a lot of enjoyable moments with family, friends or at work.
5P / I do not feel myself anymore. Tension and fear are with me all the time.
1P / I have a clear strategy how to live with this. I feel that I get better month by month.
3P / I tried a lot but nothing really seems to work. I still have things to try on my list and I am a little optimistic that it will be better for me.
5P / I have really no idea how tho get out of this mess.