Welcome, Telis! I'm one of the "old-timers" here at Tinnitus Talk, and we are all here to support one another in our mutual battle with tinnitus. Mine worsened after exposure to an ototoxic drug, so I certainly understand your situation.
If you are sleeping again, you are doing very well! Some of us still have sleep problems (myself included), so you are already one major step in the right direction! Hearing aids/maskers are a very good suggestion, and it's definitely worth looking into.
Please know, although it's hard for you to believe right now, that after you've had tinnitus for awhile, it gets easier. Your brain adjusts to the sound, and things begin to improve. The best way to work toward habituation is to try to distract yourself as best you can, try to get outside yourself and live your life as normally as possible. That is very difficult during the first few weeks and months, but will get easier as time goes on. If you need antidepressants, they may help you to get through the rough spots right now. Or, you could try natural calming supplements, such as magnesium, pharma GABA, holy basil, etc.
We're glad you've joined us here.
Best wishes and hugs,