- Nov 2, 2022
- 441
- Tinnitus Since
- 09/2022
- Cause of Tinnitus
- Ear infection/Ultra High Frequency SSHL in Right Ear
I'm so sorry to hear about your situation, @BBApple. I still experience reactivity, but it's gotten to a point where I can live pretty normally, just avoiding really loud bars, sporting events, and concerts. I carry earplugs with me, but I've only used them once recently. When I'm out and about, the tinnitus doesn't bother me much; sometimes, I don't even notice it until I actively listen for it. When I get home, it calms down pretty quickly.First, let me say how incredibly informative this thread is and likely far exceeds any useful information that any of us would receive from a health professional.
And @ErikaS, you have described exactly what I feel. My reactive tinnitus reacts to everything, like running water, door slamming, turning over in bed, my own voice, TV, etc. Sometimes, I feel that it reacts to air when the window is open. I've been dealing with it for seven weeks following a 10-minute MRI that would go on to change my life.
After the incident, I continued my life as usual with some extra earplug protections I hadn't done before. However, things slowly worsened, seemingly no matter what I did. I have since taken a leave from work and started trying the silence approach, wearing earplugs most of the time. It might make me more sound-sensitive, but I will take it if the reactive tinnitus stabilizes. It is truly a horrific condition that makes you live the life of a prisoner. Last night was absolute hell after a day of being out and about.
I pray the reactivity settles because the thought of living this way for 20-30 years makes me panic.
During a spike, like the one I'm experiencing now, not only does the reactivity become more sensitive and the tinnitus louder, but my emotions and PTSD response to it also intensify, which absolutely makes it worse. It's very hard because my tinnitus is closely tied to my stress and emotions. Managing it involves trying to stay calm and keeping stress hormones, panic thoughts, and depressive moments in check. My trauma therapist has really helped me with this, and I believe that's why I've reached such a good place.
Regarding in-ear protection, the nerves in my ear canals have become sensitive and hyperactive since my SSHL event. If I touch the inside of my right ear canal (my damaged ear), the sounds in my left ear get louder. It's strange, I know. When I use ear protection, it dampens the environmental sounds, but my ear canals' sensitivity ramps up my tinnitus. Therefore, I only use in-ear protection when absolutely necessary because of this sensitivity that spikes my tinnitus.
Everyone is different, and I cannot stress that enough, but I wanted to share that I was able to reach a baseline I didn't think was possible with very reactive, bilateral multi-tonal tinnitus while not being in constant protection.