Read This Success Story Carefully — It Could Help You

Roger W

Nov 27, 2018
Tinnitus Since
early 2009
Cause of Tinnitus
Stress and Hearing Loss due to loud music
To anyone suffering or studying Tinnitus, this may be of GREAT help to you, it's purely my own story and I am not a medical professional - I have no other interest than you benefiting from this.

Background information
Ten years ago I woke up one day realizing a high pitched sound in my left ear (7 on a scale of 10). I realize what triggered my Tinnitus to become present was an exceptionally stressful period in my life related to working a very large software company.

I became very interested in understanding the root cause of my Tinnitus and researched it a lot back then - I wanted to know what could be done to improve my condition. I learned I had about 30% hearing loss in both ears (and still have) and with the help of the audiologist I was able to get a sense of the loudness of my Tinnitus by matching it by an equal volume amount of test sound during the hearing test.

The root cause of my hearing loss (and Tinnitus) was me attending many loud music festivals throughout my life. People, including a specialized doctor, told me that nothing could be done about Tinnitus and I was told to simply "live with it". I didn't believe that to be entirely true back then and my story below shows you that it isn't entirely true .... there is hope..

I've developed a slightly different theory about Tinnitus
Dissatisfied with this depressing answer I started researching more and read about how people try alleviate the symptoms of Tinnitus. I learned how certain things would make it worse and how other things were helpful - I started avoiding stress and loud noises and paid more attention to sleeping well. other things less, like avoiding loud noises and and stress and trying to get good sleep

This overall improvement in health also helped me pay more attention to nutrition and suddenly noticed that there was a clear trigger to make my Tinnitus to go into overdrive - hops in beer

IPA' s caused my Tinnitus to spike... what the heck?
As someone from the southern part of Holland I love drinking beer and we use during meals and on every social occasion. What is different between micro brew type beers here in the States and the lower alcohol type beers in Europe is the use of hops ... some of the IPA's in the US contain a huge amount of hops..
I found that my Tinnitus was a lot worse after drinking a single IPA which made me wonder why this is. How could a single ingredient have such an OUTSIZE effect on Tinnitus? Especially if everyone is telling me that Tinnitus is something static.
I started speculating that Tinnitus is sort of an inflammation, just like how we get a cramp if we eat something hard to digest, something that the body is refusing.

Treating it like an inflammation made a huge difference
As soon as I realized that my Tinnitus could have an inflammatory aspect, I looked for medicines with an anti-inflammatory effect (on my Tinnitus) and tried a few different things including Mullein Garlic Oil.
As soon as I tried this ear oil I noticed a huge change in my Tinnitus - literally the volume was cut in half. This simple ear oil brought my Tinnitus completely under control. I only need to use it now and then and it will stay subdued and under control for weeks.

I know that this is a bit of a long story but I wanted to make a bigger point (like other threads that I read) that some of this is psychosomatic and that part of it is paying enough attention to what your body is trying to tell you. Do you get enough sleep? Do you try to avoid stress and be honest about it with yourself?

Discovering that my type of Tinnitus is treatable has improved my quality of life a lot. I hope this story helps others to find their best approach to deal with and treat Tinnitus successfully.

Yours truly, Roger

"Mullein-Garlic Oil = The classic herbal remedy for ear infections is garlic-mullein oil. Garlic is a natural antimicrobial, addressing infections of both a bacterial and viral nature. Mullein is an analgesic, relieving the pain associated with earaches. It's very easy to make at home or can be purchased." Apr 2, 2013 - source: Google.
Nice post, good approach.
But how do you take this oil, please?
I did not understand.
@Roger W
Yes, this Mullein Garlic ear oil worked instantly. I could immediately sense that it had a calming effect and just like the man reported below, the morning after the tinnitus was much lower. I would say I went from a level 7 noise to a level 3...

How do you use it?
  • You basically add a few drops into each ear and let it sit there for a while. In my case it had and INSTANT soothing effect.
I bought it on Amazon, not expensive, here is the link

Also, I just read a few of the reviews and there seem to others reporting the EXACT SAME benefits. Here, I copied it:

"Question:Has anyone found relief from Tinnitus with this?

Answer: I do not have severe tinnitus but it is always noticeable. I started using the drops yesterday in my troublesome ear and this morning my tinnitus was much lower. I put more in drops today and things were pretty much silent. Hope it continues, but I am happy for now.
By G. Brooks on December 30, 2017
It did helped my nephew's ear. So yes it was helpful
By Julitha Ned on January 10, 2016
My boyfriend said it helped his
By Sara on January 9, 2016

Since I know how serious this condition is I wanted to respond to your questions immediately. Hope this helps.
This is interesting. I have often wondered about an inflammatory link with mine and others to this because mine will spike reliably whenever I have a stomach infection or a cold (not related to phlegm) and I noticed other people saying this as well.

But I am not sure how the garlic oil could reduce inflammation. Tinnitus should be coming from the inner or middle ear unless it's wax or something. Do you have any ideas about how the garlic oil could reduce inflammation and how it could exert its affects on the outer ear?
This is very interesting, I'll wait and see how others get on with the oil first but I definitely think natural foods, herbs etc can help as ever since I have been eating a Mediterranean-paleo diet my tinnitus has lowered, I eat a lot of garlic and spinach, I wonder if the garlic is what helped my tinnitus?

I notice that if I don't eat spinach my tinnitus increases. I'm wondering if it's because spinach is high in magnesium?
Regarding your question "how could Garlic reduce inflammation" - I googled it and found:

"There's good reason these pungent vegetables are considered anti-inflammatory superstars. ... Quercetin, a flavonoid in onions, helps inhibit inflammation-causing agents at play in arthritis. "

I would not be surprised if they (scientists/medical professionals) find out and can prove that eating Garlic has a positive on Tinnitus.

Personally, if you ask me, I think applying this directly onto the ear is a much more direct way of bringing this anti inflammatory healing effect closest to the origination point of the Tinnitus. I hope this will be researched more in-depth and I wouldn't be surprised if it works for a LOT more people..

Agrajag - note: there are 4 ingredients in that Mullein/Garlic ear oil. I do not know which one of these ingredients is most beneficial. What I can say that it works for me and that I am convinced that it might work for other people as well (I am not that special)...
Regarding your question "how could Garlic reduce inflammation" - I googled it and found:

"There's good reason these pungent vegetables are considered anti-inflammatory superstars. ... Quercetin, a flavonoid in onions, helps inhibit inflammation-causing agents at play in arthritis. "

I would not be surprised if they (scientists/medical professionals) find out and can prove that eating Garlic has a positive on Tinnitus.

Personally, if you ask me, I think applying this directly onto the ear is a much more direct way of bringing this anti inflammatory healing effect closest to the origination point of the Tinnitus. I hope this will be researched more in-depth and I wouldn't be surprised if it works for a LOT more people..

Agrajag - note: there are 4 ingredients in that Mullein/Garlic ear oil. I do not know which one of these ingredients is most beneficial. What I can say that it works for me and that I am convinced that it might work for other people as well (I am not that special)...
But tinnitus originates in the inner ear most of the time doesn't it? - middle and outer ear causes are more likely to be specific and temporary. The eardrum i.e. tympanic membrane often seems to be referred to as impermeable to liquid - for example, people are told this when they are given ototoxic antibiotic eardrops. Unless the tympanic membrane itself is somehow susceptible to inflammation in a way that can create tinnitus, but that is hard to envisage. I believe you of course and am very happy for you indeed that your tinnitus has gone down but am curious as to how this could happen if indeed it was the garlic oil- what the physiological mechanism could be
I just ordered this, reason is because I have been eating garlic for a year now and it is helping me. I'm going to give this a try. Thanks for posting.
Very interesting idea. Might be worth a shot.

A skeptical person might say this user opened his account yesterday.
A skeptical person might also comment on how polished this user's answers are.
A skeptical person might think this person is literally an oil salesman.

But I like the inflammation idea because prednisone gave me significant relief, so I am considering it.
Curcumin also has anti inflammatory properties and seems to help people as well.
Agrajag - Note: I am not a doctor and not a medical professional.

Let me restate all the facts:
  • I had/have tinnitus for 10 years - I do feel that I have a good intuition (about my tinnitus) and tinnitus has become a more manageable
  • I did seek medical treatment back then and the problem is that I got absolutely nowhere
  • My "Ear doctor" determined that my tinnitus was related/caused by hearing loss
  • In retrospect, I could tell that the stressful period at my work triggered the tinnitus
  • I was told nothing could be done which was a very unsatisfying answer which led me to research this topic more in-depth.
  • I learned how complex and varied this condition is and that there could be many causes for tinnitus and different expressions of symptoms. I noticed how there is a such a great variation in how people experience tinnitus in terms of volume or loudness, the type of sounds, whether it is one or both ears, if the condition is constant/intermittent and whether some people have periods with worse or less worse conditions
I wrote down that my, subjective, loudness level was 7 out of 10. This was in 2009, 2010.

What surprised me was that NOBODY (no medical professionals or doctors) gave me any good information on my Tinnitus condition. I didn't read anywhere (on medical or scientific websites) that hops in beer (for example) could amp up the sound level of my tinnitus. Then when my wife once told me "Roger, you do know that drinking beer might cause inflammation". By the way, my wife is an Occupational Therapist who was studying for her exam at the time. This realization, that beer and especially hops in beer could worsen my symptoms were a total aha moment.

  • Fact: I drink an IPA (Indian Pale Ale) now and almost immediately (10, 20 minutes?) the volume/loudness of my tinnitus goes up (double). Once digested the volume goes back down to where it was.

I do NOT know why this particular Mullein Garlic ear oil works so well and why it has these anti-inflammatory properties. I understand tinnitus originates from the inner ear and that the ear oil only touches the membrane - still it has this huge effect... why?

All I know is that I intuitively felt that taking an anti-inflammatory medicine could be beneficial simply based on the experience with the opposite effects of an inflammatory substance (the beer hops).

I am sure this will not solve all tinnitus problems and might not even alleviate any symptoms for everyone, but, I do believe that if a simple (anti inflammatory type) solution can bring relief to a few of us, then maybe this points to an approach that should be researched and looked at more carefully.

By the way I looked up the original order:

Order details
Ordered on January 12, 2017 (2 items)
Herb Pharm Mullein/Garlic Herbal Ear Oil - 1 Ounce
Hi Roger - please understand I'm not questioning your experiences at all! You have clearly stated what happened to you in an admirable way.

I am just speculating out of sheer interest how, if it was the garlic oil that reduced your tinnitus, this could happen - what the physiological mechanism might be - a question directed not at you but any interested reader of the thread, particularly those knowledgeable about the anatomy of the ear. I'm no medical professional either but do have a science background. But plenty with no science backgrounds here will have the same curiosity about any cause and effect with this mysterious ailment, tinnitus.

I share your suspicion that tinnitus may have some kind of inflammatory link in some cases.
To LA Native

I want you to be super skeptical.

1.) Correct, I opened my account yesterday
2.) Correct, my answers should be very polished - I spent the entire day yesterday preparing/writing this. I want as many people to read this and ultimately benefit from it. Certainly you would do the same.
I didn't find any information like this when I was researching this back 10 years ago.. I also assume that what I am describing here could be very well researched - I am not a medical professional (see below)...

3.) Correct, in fact, my original profession is sales. I've worked in software sales and business development for the past 10 years, various companies.

Never sold oil, but maybe I should ;-)

I sincerely hope that physicians and especially scientists look at stories like this and research this. Kind regards, Roger
To LA Native

I want you to be super skeptical.

1.) Correct, I opened my account yesterday
2.) Correct, my answers should be very polished - I spent the entire day yesterday preparing/writing this. I want as many people to read this and ultimately benefit from it. Certainly you would do the same.
I didn't find any information like this when I was researching this back 10 years ago.. I also assume that what I am describing here could be very well researched - I am not a medical professional (see below)...

3.) Correct, in fact, my original profession is sales. I've worked in software sales and business development for the past 10 years, various companies.

Never sold oil, but maybe I should ;-)

I sincerely hope that physicians and especially scientists look at stories like this and research this. Kind regards, Roger
ENTs - and perhaps audiologists- have the option to write "case studies" on individual patients, so if you are under one you could ask him or her to write it up. I don't think they would though - they have to be cautious about cause and effect! I am glad you shared the info here however.
Hi Roger....I found this thread by putting "garlic" in the search box. I had a horrific increase of relatively long term stationary T and H about 6 weeks ago...with super high inner ear pressure...T which would increase relative to external noise..especially high frequency...and hearing loss. It all came on quite suddenly via an occlusion and loud noise event. My inner ear got "throttled"...traumatized...and I've been cursing myself as I didn't take steriods in the "Golden window"...and believed it now far too late from everything I'd read. So..have been very depressed...distracted and in pain and suffering. Thoughts (real ones!) of suicide and not being able to do anything anymore. Well yesterday, I was messing around with a 256 tuning fork I bought on Amazon...doing the Rinne and Weber test...and my very unscientific results seemed to indicate I might have a conductive issue as well as known sensuralneural issue in affected ear. But my audiological "conductive test" had not shown any problem with the little I wondered and pondered about the original trauma...and the fact that my T literally felt it was screaming at me to do something...and I took an entire bundle of garlic....cut off the ends...crushed it...chopped it up...waited 15 minutes...and ate it raw with only water. Very hard to do...but did it. The result yesterday was almost miraculous. I experienced the first and **only** reduction in the intensity of my acoustic traumatized/occluded/ poor little smashed cochlear I have had since the incident. Some reduction in the awful H too! And because of it, I had a pretty good day...didn't want to die most of the day...talked on the phone (something I had avoided completely) and actually felt some HOPE. All because of some crushed, raw garlic. The intense, high high pitched drilling spikes (14k?) of my injured ear alleviated, at least temporarily and that G-awful "recruitment" or whatever it is of amplifying external high frequency sounds (furnace blower, driving noise, work HVAC system, etc) even alleviated some. I felt even 'happy'. I have NO idea if it will continue to work..or if my system will be able to handle eating a bunch of raw garlic...let alone my colleagues..:), but I am going to stick on this anti-inflammation effort..and keep trying and now add the garlic mullein drops to my efforts. Here's a pic of my shopping cart from last night. Thank you all!!


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Day after I ate all that raw garlic and chewed it. The ultra high high knife like tones which had been unremitting 24/7 for 6-7 weeks are gone. Still plenty of loud white noise type hissing. Lowering of my T's intensity feedback to other high pitch sounds (fans, blowers, cars etc). So lots of T still...but I no longer want to off myself the killer stabbing ultra high pitch was garlic-ed out! (At least for today..yay!)
But tinnitus originates in the inner ear most of the time doesn't it?

Here's just a partial tabulation of things I've heard of tinnitus originates from: -- 1) inner ears; 2) TMJ; 3) neck; 4) upper cervical spine; 5) thyroid gland; 6) heart; 7) liver; 8) kidneys; 9) gut 10) sinuses; 11) Candida; 12) Lyme; 13) stress; 14) anxiety; 15) head injury; 16) brain tumor...
Anybody else tried this?
I went looking for some mullein-garlic oil at a local store yesterday and couldn't find it. I plan on ordering it online today. Will post back with my results. I consider it one of those low-cost, low-risk experiments that just might prove to be helpful for me as well.
Thanks for sharing, I'm glad this has helped you a lot!

My situation is pretty similar to yours and I've been suspecting inflammation more as I've been doing physio and find stretches and workouts provide relief. I find myself more aware of tension and muscles around my ear and skull that need to be worked daily. I take "Love CBD" oil daily now, I've tried a few CBD oils (most recently CBD Coconut oil that I add to coffee) but I find the Love CBD is nicely relaxing and am going to try it for a couple more months. I'm also about to start using a CBD balm to rub into my neck to see if that provides more relief.

I'm skeptical of putting stuff in my ear but if some of my discomfort is due to inflammation then I'll give this oil a go. My high pitch tinnitus is not as problematic now (though it does bug me some days), but I'm trying to deal with a low hum that agitates me when it's more noticeable.
I've developed a slightly different theory about Tinnitus
There is something missing whatever is causing your tinnitus to reduce by anti inflammatories.

it doesn't disconfirm the fact that tinnitus is a neurological condition directly related to hearing loss and we don't know how many others will benefit. Predisone is a known anti inflammatory that is know to work by improving hearing after an acoustic trauma but not longterm usage. Unless once Again something is missing.
I think everyone considers the fact that this is not something that would work for everyone or the only treatment and so on.

Success stories are not CURED of Tinnitus stories.

So anyone spreading rumors else where that this is what TT supports is wrong and really dishonest.

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