I'm 5 months in. Although the volume of the original "EEEEEE" has gone down to more of a high pitched electric hiss, I'm not seeing any progress in its ever-presence. The pitch is my issue. Basically, this needs to be gone, or I will hear it over the television, and therefore I will be unhappy and unable to relax. Ever. I do not think habituation can occur with such a pitch. I need some vets to chime in here because I'm thinking my only chance at this point is stem cell therapy. I've read and reread all of the success stories I can stomach and I can't say that mine is really "fading" at all. Some oddities have occurred when I haven't heard it for some 10-45 seconds or so, but such effects are short lived. Is the idea that these gaps will become more frequent as time passes?
I really need some help with this because I refuse to spend my late 20s pondering pulling the trigger on something that could fix me and restore my quality of life rather than a year and a half down the road. Because I refuse to live like this.
I am an opponent of the habituation hypothesis for cases such as these. Sorry to tag you @JohnAdams but I could really use your objective validation of your own condition for comparison here, because I know you're adamant that habituation is not the way and that silence and proper medicine is the solution. It sounds like our tinnitus shares similar characteristics and I know you've been battling this longer than me. Is 5 months just a trash amount of time to expect this to diminish?
I really need some help with this because I refuse to spend my late 20s pondering pulling the trigger on something that could fix me and restore my quality of life rather than a year and a half down the road. Because I refuse to live like this.
I am an opponent of the habituation hypothesis for cases such as these. Sorry to tag you @JohnAdams but I could really use your objective validation of your own condition for comparison here, because I know you're adamant that habituation is not the way and that silence and proper medicine is the solution. It sounds like our tinnitus shares similar characteristics and I know you've been battling this longer than me. Is 5 months just a trash amount of time to expect this to diminish?