Really Need Help Here. So Worried.


Mar 10, 2018
Tinnitus Since
Cause of Tinnitus
Hi. I'm Josh and I'm 15 years and 5 months old.

Ok. So about 6 days ago I noticed a ringing in BOTH ears. Only in silence, or close to silence. It seemed to come straight after I had probably the worse period of stress and panic of my life, due to something unrelated. I had not been exposed to dangerous noise prior. No concerts, gunshots, etc. I assumed this was down to stress and was aware of it's impact on tinnitus. I suffer from chronic anxiety and depression it should be noted.

A couple days later, during a panic attack, I shouted. BIG mistake. It certainly wasn't at the top of my voice, but I did shout and for about 1.5 - 2 seconds. AND I was in a pretty enclosed space. The day after, my grandad clapped loudly in front of me. The day after, my dog barked loudly a few metres away (inside).

As of writing this today, 6 days after it began, my LEFT ear, in a quiet room, seems to ring very loudly. I'm extremely scared now. Did these brief but loud sounds (especially my shout) make it permanent since my ears are going to be more sensitive? Is it going to recover? All I know is that I DEFINITELY was not, based on decibels and duration, exposed to a dangerous level of noise.

There is a wax build-up in the left ear but I strongly doubt that to be the cause. But I'm kicking myself over shouting. I had complex hearing tests (Not your ordinary audiogram thing) just two months ago, which measured the hearing cells of the cochlea. This was due to other concerns. 0% damage detected. My theory is that my shout made it much louder and permanent during the vital recovery process. Please let me know what you think about this. My dad has made a follow up with the ENT but I'd like some feedback from here. It's really quite loud.
First thing - do not panic.

You are unlikely to have caused permanent damage. Avoid noise for a short while and find something to do that you enjoy and relaxes you
It is extremely unlikely that you did any damage.

Try to avoid loud noises. You might even consider avoiding moderate noises (like that of a vacuum cleaner or hair dryer) for a while. Consider taking Valerian root pills to help you relax.

Since you are so young, your body ought to be more likely to heal.
It is extremely unlikely that you did any damage.

Try to avoid loud noises. You might even consider avoiding moderate noises (like that of a vacuum cleaner or hair dryer) for a while. Consider taking Valerian root pills to help you relax.

Since you are so young, your body ought to be more likely to heal.
Yes, but I heard that loud noise, (And in this instance, me shouting in an enclosed space which made it louder for like 30 seconds), are really dangerous when you have tinnitus and can make it louder and permanent, which seems to be what's happened.
It is extremely unlikely that you did any damage.

Try to avoid loud noises. You might even consider avoiding moderate noises (like that of a vacuum cleaner or hair dryer) for a while. Consider taking Valerian root pills to help you relax.

Since you are so young, your body ought to be more likely to heal.
Luckily I've already been making the effort to avoid loud noises but I keep being accidentally exposed. My baby brother shouting for example, which JUST HAPPENED :(
but I keep being accidentally exposed.
You are not the only one! Many of us here do our best to avoid being exposed to any more noises, but end up getting accidental exposure anyway. Try not to get too depressed about these exposures. This might delay your recovery, but it shouldn't end your recovery...

really dangerous when you have tinnitus and can make it louder and permanent
Personally, I believe that it IS dangerous. However, you will need to get Numerous shocks like that, before you get a permanent spike. In my experience, and according to what others post here, it appears that it is not so easy to get a permanent spike.
Loud sounds are gonna be big part of a long life ahead of you. Take something safe for your anxiety and... you're 15, try to avoid the loudest of noises as much as possible and it will possibly heal on it's own in 2-3 months time
You are not the only one! Many of us here do our best to avoid being exposed to any more noises, but end up getting accidental exposure anyway. Try not to get too depressed about these exposures. This might delay your recovery, but it shouldn't end your recovery...

Personally, I believe that it IS dangerous. However, you will need to get Numerous shocks like that, before you get a permanent spike. In my experience, and according to what others post here, it appears that it is not so easy to get a permanent spike.
And again, I was putting olive oil in my ear as advised by the doctor to ease wax, and the pippette makes an almighty loud crackle from the suction, right next to my ear drum pretty much! And it kinda hurt. What are my chances now. Zilch. :(
You are not the only one! Many of us here do our best to avoid being exposed to any more noises, but end up getting accidental exposure anyway. Try not to get too depressed about these exposures. This might delay your recovery, but it shouldn't end your recovery...

Personally, I believe that it IS dangerous. However, you will need to get Numerous shocks like that, before you get a permanent spike. In my experience, and according to what others post here, it appears that it is not so easy to get a permanent spike.
Now it's even more reactive:( is this going to improve? Still don't even know what caused it. Always been careful with any earphone usage in the past, never even been to a concert. Despite this, it's pretty intrusive. I feel like I've just done more damage from the olive oil squeezer.
@JoshuaD2002 ,
Try stay calm and put relaxing music on around you when you need a break from the sound .
Maybe see about CBT for anxiety or have a nice chat with your doctor as there is help.
Love glynis
the pippette makes an almighty loud crackle from the suction, right next to my ear drum pretty much! And it kinda hurt. What are my chances now. Zilch.
This is an unpleasant setback. My guess is that the worst thing that might happen is that you have a 24-72 hour spike. Like I said earlier, it is actually not easy to get a permanent spike. Just learn from this mistake and make sure that it won't happen again. None of the people who had completely recovered or who got a lot better were able to completely avoid little shocks like that. So you are still in a good shape.
Now it's even more reactive
When it comes to tinnitus, you should not be looking at the hourly, daily, or even the weekly trend. It heals very slowly, so what matters is the monthly or even the annual trend. If it is better than what it was a month or two or six ago, then you are making progress. But the information about whether or not it is better or worse than how it was a day or two ago, is completely meaningless.
This is an unpleasant setback. My guess is that the worst thing that might happen is that you have a 24-72 hour spike. Like I said earlier, it is actually not easy to get a permanent spike. Just learn from this mistake and make sure that it won't happen again. None of the people who had completely recovered or who got a lot better were able to completely avoid little shocks like that. So you are still in a good shape.

When it comes to tinnitus, you should not be looking at the hourly, daily, or even the weekly trend. It heals very slowly, so what matters is the monthly or even the annual trend. If it is better than what it was a month or two or six ago, then you are making progress. But the information about whether or not it is better or worse than how it was a day or two ago, is completely meaningless.
So tell me. What would have to take place for a permanent spike to occur. Like how many exposures. Are we talking repeated shocks over a long period?

Also this evening I covered my ears with my hands and when I took my hands away it made a relatively loud suction noise again. I am quite sensitive to sound however, and we know this is not because of hearing damage. Maybe this is making me think the noise was louder. Not sure if this suction noise from my hand was even dangerous? It seemed loud.

How many more chances do I have left?
Also this evening I covered my ears with my hands and when I took my hands away it made a relatively loud suction noise again. I am quite sensitive to sound however, and we know this is not because of hearing damage. Maybe this is making me think the noise was louder. Not sure if this suction noise from my hand was even dangerous? It seemed loud.
The noise exposures you have talked about would not cause permanent Tinnitus.
12 years ago I exposed to very loud power equipment for about an hour. This noise was extremely loud, way louder (and longer exposure)than any dog barking, yelling or clapping hand. My T was screaming loud, I heard it over everything, plus pain and fullness. But, in time (2 years) it faded to absolute zero. No more T. If that t can resolve itself, yours will to.
IMO, stop doing anything to your ears, no olive oil, no syringing, nothing. Leave them alone and this ringing will resolve itself. It may take time,(weeks/months?) but you will be fine as long as you don't mess with them and really do hurt them.
P.S. are you on any new meds? sometimes they can cause ringing
So did the equipment exposure happen whilst you had an existing tinnitus or did it cause it? I'm concerned that these exposures have made my tinnitus, that started a week ago, permanent. As I seem to hear that these noises are dangerous when you have tinnitus. Are you saying these exposures would not have made my tinnitus permanent? Just want to check.
All the sounds arround you most likely seems a lot worse than normal, because you are affraid of them. I was like that at first. Everything was too loud.

Now its not that bad at all. Ive been exposed to many of the same noises you mentioned, and nothing happened. I work in an industrial production, and loud exposures now and then cannot be avoided. Mine goes up and down. The day after a dog barked right next to me(had like a short ringing), I had a really good and quiet day.

Look at it like this. You are affraid of this thing. Like a cat that gets surprised, your senses intensifies. Look at the cats eyes. They become really big. This is whats happening to your ears right now. The more you calm down, the better you will feel.

I was also affraid of sounds at first. And its just normal everyday sounds, that I never really thought to be loud before. Take it easy. The sounds you mention is not loud enough to make a difference. It has to be way more than that. Also, dont have too much silence. That will make your brain tune up your hearing because of the lack of input, and make it even worse.

Try to calm down buddy.
What would have to take place for a permanent spike to occur. Like how many exposures. Are we talking repeated shocks over a long period?
Keep in mind that each person is different, and each person's trauma that led to T was different. It is hard to say anything beyond "multiple shocks can sometimes lead to a situation where one shock finally breaks the camel's back"...
How many more chances do I have left?
Suction noise is probably not very dangerous. Try to do your best to protect your ears,a nd try not to panic when the inevitable happens and you end up being exposed to another microshock.

As for the number of chances that you have left, everything depends on how loud each exposure is. For example if you attend some loud concert, then that will be your last chance being used up. If we are talking about some suction noises, you might have hundreds of those left...
All the sounds arround you most likely seems a lot worse than normal, because you are affraid of them. I was like that at first. Everything was too loud.

Now its not that bad at all. Ive been exposed to many of the same noises you mentioned, and nothing happened. I work in an industrial production, and loud exposures now and then cannot be avoided. Mine goes up and down. The day after a dog barked right next to me(had like a short ringing), I had a really good and quiet day.

Look at it like this. You are affraid of this thing. Like a cat that gets surprised, your senses intensifies. Look at the cats eyes. They become really big. This is whats happening to your ears right now. The more you calm down, the better you will feel.

I was also affraid of sounds at first. And its just normal everyday sounds, that I never really thought to be loud before. Take it easy. The sounds you mention is not loud enough to make a difference. It has to be way more than that. Also, dont have too much silence. That will make your brain tune up your hearing because of the lack of input, and make it even worse.

Try to calm down buddy.
Thank you. I seem to have a reactive tinnitus in the left ear now. It actually gets quite loud too. Can this sort of thing also heal?
All the sounds arround you most likely seems a lot worse than normal, because you are affraid of them. I was like that at first. Everything was too loud.

Now its not that bad at all. Ive been exposed to many of the same noises you mentioned, and nothing happened. I work in an industrial production, and loud exposures now and then cannot be avoided. Mine goes up and down. The day after a dog barked right next to me(had like a short ringing), I had a really good and quiet day.

Look at it like this. You are affraid of this thing. Like a cat that gets surprised, your senses intensifies. Look at the cats eyes. They become really big. This is whats happening to your ears right now. The more you calm down, the better you will feel.

I was also affraid of sounds at first. And its just normal everyday sounds, that I never really thought to be loud before. Take it easy. The sounds you mention is not loud enough to make a difference. It has to be way more than that. Also, dont have too much silence. That will make your brain tune up your hearing because of the lack of input, and make it even worse.

Try to calm down buddy.
Thanks for the support. I'd be lying if I said I'm not panicking out my mind. Also yesterday, my toddler brother made a loud scream again. Ultimately I was pretty far away from him and I wouldn't have seen that to have been dangerous, but my reactive tinnitus has coincidentally worsened as I wake this morning. (High pitched ring). This lead me to believe that the scream messed things up big time. Does reactive tinnitus improve?

I'm still getting this loud head noise in silence, though I've been lead to believe this is somewhat normal, because the brain is so used to background noise that it produces it's own sound at night. This would make sense because at night it gets very loud, but then I wouldn't be able to hear it at all over a quite sound. Many of my friends and family have the same in silence, and I've recently had any damage completely ruled out by an Audiovestibular Physician. This includes my hypercausis being completely unrelated to noise induced (it seems alot of people are quick to say that hypercausis is only a noise induced issue).

Generally I'm confused and scared as to:

1) why my reactive tinnitus is now louder. And it gets loud now :(

2) why I get loud ringing only in silence (or near silence), having not been exposed to dangerous noise prior, and I've always been careful by the way! Whenever using earbuds in the past I always stay in the safe zone and for no more than 30 minutes. Also I haven't used them at all recently for obvious reasons. It seems odd that I could've dealt damage 2 months since my hearing examinations.

3) why it seemed to have begun after severe stress but then remained dominantly on the left side.
Thanks for the support. I'd be lying if I said I'm not panicking out my mind. Also yesterday, my toddler brother made a loud scream again. Ultimately I was pretty far away from him and I wouldn't have seen that to have been dangerous, but my reactive tinnitus has coincidentally worsened as I wake this morning. (High pitched ring). This lead me to believe that the scream messed things up big time. Does reactive tinnitus improve?

I'm still getting this loud head noise in silence, though I've been lead to believe this is somewhat normal, because the brain is so used to background noise that it produces it's own sound at night. This would make sense because at night it gets very loud, but then I wouldn't be able to hear it at all over a quite sound. Many of my friends and family have the same in silence, and I've recently had any damage completely ruled out by an Audiovestibular Physician. This includes my hypercausis being completely unrelated to noise induced (it seems alot of people are quick to say that hypercausis is only a noise induced issue).

Generally I'm confused and scared as to:

1) why my reactive tinnitus is now louder. And it gets loud now :(

2) why I get loud ringing only in silence (or near silence), having not been exposed to dangerous noise prior, and I've always been careful by the way! Whenever using earbuds in the past I always stay in the safe zone and for no more than 30 minutes. Also I haven't used them at all recently for obvious reasons. It seems odd that I could've dealt damage 2 months since my hearing examinations.

3) why it seemed to have begun after severe stress but then remained dominantly on the left side.
And now the ringing is mega bad again. Another thing, I was testing to see if one of my ears was muffled by scrunching some kitchen towel tissue next to my ears. Surely this can't have been dangerous and that the scrunching of tissue wouldn't have been loud enough?
All the sounds arround you most likely seems a lot worse than normal, because you are affraid of them. I was like that at first. Everything was too loud.

Now its not that bad at all. Ive been exposed to many of the same noises you mentioned, and nothing happened. I work in an industrial production, and loud exposures now and then cannot be avoided. Mine goes up and down. The day after a dog barked right next to me(had like a short ringing), I had a really good and quiet day.

Look at it like this. You are affraid of this thing. Like a cat that gets surprised, your senses intensifies. Look at the cats eyes. They become really big. This is whats happening to your ears right now. The more you calm down, the better you will feel.

I was also affraid of sounds at first. And its just normal everyday sounds, that I never really thought to be loud before. Take it easy. The sounds you mention is not loud enough to make a difference. It has to be way more than that. Also, dont have too much silence. That will make your brain tune up your hearing because of the lack of input, and make it even worse.

Try to calm down buddy.
Well the WORST just happened I can't actually believe how unlucky this was. Literally just accidentally dropped a metal spoon on the kitchen floor and it was very loud. Covered my ears as soon as possible but I was a bit too late.
This is an unpleasant setback. My guess is that the worst thing that might happen is that you have a 24-72 hour spike. Like I said earlier, it is actually not easy to get a permanent spike. Just learn from this mistake and make sure that it won't happen again. None of the people who had completely recovered or who got a lot better were able to completely avoid little shocks like that. So you are still in a good shape.

When it comes to tinnitus, you should not be looking at the hourly, daily, or even the weekly trend. It heals very slowly, so what matters is the monthly or even the annual trend. If it is better than what it was a month or two or six ago, then you are making progress. But the information about whether or not it is better or worse than how it was a day or two ago, is completely meaningless.
Can't believe what's just happened. I accidentally dropped a metal spoon on the kitchen floor. Covered my ears ASAP after I dropped it but was, of course, too late. I'm extremely saddened by this.
Can't believe what's just happened. I accidentally dropped a metal spoon on the kitchen floor. Covered my ears ASAP after I dropped it but was, of course, too late. I'm extremely saddened by this.
All of these shocks are minor. You don't need to worry about permanent damage. Those kinds of shocks are unavoidable. Be more careful next time.
Just give it time. Chances are that one or two months from now you will feel better.
Just give it time. Chances are that one or two months from now you will feel better.
I hope I will recover. The ringing in my left ear is concerningly loud. I've been making the effort to protect though. Was at a restaurant this evening (wasn't that loud tbh) and wore noise filtering ear plugs. That's safe right?
My rule of thumb is that I will get worried only if it doesn't go away after three months. So you need to wait for three months before getting worried. For now you can safely assume that chances are that this is temporary.
Still extremely confused regarding the onset. It's very strange what's happening. Multiple points through the day I spend time in silence and focus solely in it. It seems to actually be really quiet at times! Then other times it's loud.

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