Valeri: I agree with you.
It's ALL political. Competition and money between pharmaceutical companies. ALL drugs have side-effects - some worse than others. Even more disgusting are the ones placed on the market
without approval - from Pfizer. There are ethical protocols for clinical trial studies. Researchers/ doctors
CANNOT divulge any info. about their study to outsiders who attempt to inquire of it during research. Think about it - will they actually tell an unknown individual confidential info. before publication? They just repeat what's already on their website - or else they will be
held in contempt for sharing confidential info. Their drug
may not even be approved.
In regards to (young) military veterans who are currently suffering from "T" and baby-boomers - whom are a big market today. They are currently the main focus for pharmaceutical co. to creating a short-term drug to make a fast buck, even though something similar is already on the market, as you said - Trobalt. However, even this drug has not yet been further evaluated. Why?
Political and money - it's already on the market: The End.
Announcements of new drug creations is enticing but also can be misleading. I sense from your posts, you'd find better answers from the majority of people on other threads, who can provide you with direct info. from their own experience(s) from taking the drug(s) themselves, rather than
hearsay gobbledegook from reps and investors of one not yet approved.

Till this drug is approved, we then shall learn from actual customers of it's success (or horror).