Returning to School Has Not Been as Bad as I Thought It Would Be


May 24, 2014
San Diego, California
Tinnitus Since
Hi guys,
For the last 3 months I have been dreading the day I return to school not because it is school but because of the new challenges I would face, tinnitus and hearing loss. I feared I would not be able to concentrate because of my screeching ring in my head. I also feared I would not be able to understand my professor because of my hearing loss. Well I I have been to every class and I am happy to say it is not that bad. I can still hear the ringing but it is not as loud as I thought it would be and I am mostly focused on what the teacher is saying that I don't really pay attention to the ringing anyways. As for my hearing loss, I wore hearing aids and those seem to help but even without them I can understand all my professors just fine since I sit up front and my hearing loss is mild. Well I just wanted to write this since I did a quick search on people's experience going to college with tinnitus and/or hearing loss and did not find much. Hopefully this can calm some nerves others will have. Best regards to all and never give up!


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