This is sad. Now they have discovered theres more to t than originally thought. The US government has been asleep at the wheel for years. Without a doubt Id bet you that the Gov spends more on enrollment commercials for television than finding relief or a cure for tinnitus.
22 GI' commit suicide every week most of these GI' have chronic Tinnitus. Could they find relief or a cure with a larger budget I dont feel we will ever know. As trillions are spent on war what would it take to find some decent relief or a cure? Those of you who's T is not so bad you'll feel different when you have a relapse or two. Millions can no longer work, wouldn't it be better for society if we had relief and we could work.
I have chronic Tinnitus, every day is a battle. I filed for disability they told me to go back to school.
I already have a college degree, Ive all ready worked in the field for decades. Im exhausted, addicted and at times really ill. Thanks Uncle Sam the millions of citizens who are greatly afflicted and I thank you. Please the UK, Korea someone step up and allow the millions with this illness some dignity!