Gee, if it proves successful then we may get it in Australia in ten years if all the ENTs who are invested in Audiology chains can be removed from the picture.
Well, no thanks to and, that ban-happy edit-nutso echo chamber ignored those who cured themselves with tenotomies a decade ago and went on to theorise about all the obsessive compulsive brain limbic disorders we had. The middle ear muscles issue were theorised by Marsha Johnson over a decade ago there too, but that ridiculous forum convinced her to change the definition of soft sound sensitivity to selective soft sound sensitivity because it didn't chime with Jastreboff's ivory tower sensibilities and conjecture about hair cells and central gain... soft sound sensitivity had already been established and defined the instant JoeM who had a tenotomy and cured said this:
''6) You mentioned you were at a party and were good. This is a strange phenomenom I tried to
explain to my docs about when there is a lot of
white noise like being at a party or such, the ear doesn't act up. My thoughts on this is that because the ear can't focus on one sound, it doesn't act up, OR, it is less noticeable because the ear is working on "listening" to so many other theories though.''
right now Rob on this operation being discussed in the chat-hyperacusis forum is busy claiming that ''it is possible if patients feel more comfortable around sound after the procedure, they will be willing to expose themselves to more sound and to more ambitious environments. In turn, this could potentially improve their sound tolerance.'' Quite the wishful thinking desperate rescue of TRT. Clutching at straws, radical Jastreboffism never spotted how true misophonia didn't have a physical feeling in the ear in most cases if not all, and it clearly never had much, if any, knowledge of the middle ear, never took any consideration of otalgia, not to mention microvascular compression and other somatosensorial tinnituses...
Is this the same operation as the recent shift from SCDD to general ''hyperacusis''? Cuz Carol i think her name is says ''The operation is called round window closure and
stapedial tendon transection''
If its like that, then all the ranting I've been in a limbo in for the last 6-9 months will have been validated. But the problem as usual is who are going to be the black sheep and unfortunate souls that repeat the bad experience Astrid and others might have had with similar procedures...