Scam or Legit? Thomas Coleman's Tinnitus Miracle

General rule of thumb: I steer clear of any book, treatment, etc with "miracle" in the title. These are weasel words designed to attract desperate people. And by the way; its pretty close to impossible to get your money back from these fraudsters. Just chalk it up to a lesson learned.
hi has any one read this tinnitus miracle book? could you please tell what is it all about?
is it worthed to buy? and if possible could you tell me what are these 5 steps?

hi has any one raed this tinnius miracle book?
It's been discussed previously. I merged your thread with the existing one; hope you find the thread useful.
hi has any one read this tinnitus miracle book? could you please tell what is it all about?
is it worthed to buy? and if possible could you tell me what are these 5 steps?

The 5 steps...
1. Put your hand in your pocket
2.Go to paypal and pay your bill
3.Wait for 6 weeks to get your miracle cure
4.Feel like a fool for believing this crap
5. Don't believe any of the miracle cure things you see on line, Do your homework before spend your hard earned $$$
I bought this ebook and it proved pretty much useless. If you want a miracle cure, send your money to me instead. I have a voodoo doll in my closet and for 20$ I will cure you. ;)
These hope exploiting stuff or sayings like "T is only a symptom if you habituate you don't need to restrict your life" are both probably there to encourage ototoxic drug producers.
I bought this ebook and it proved pretty much useless. If you want a miracle cure, send your money to me instead. I have a voodoo doll in my closet and for 20$ I will cure you. ;)
Hello Eric

Almost bought this book myself, and I can see how you can be sucked into buying this load of crap! People who are new to tinnitus scramble to try to find something to help make the noise stop, we all know how maddening this intrusive sound can be, I`m almost a year into it myself and coping, with no miracle cure in Not sure how we can get the word out.:confused:GO LEAFS GO !!!!:LOL:
Eric & Danny, make room my T friends. Wings are coming to the Atlantic division, can't wait, four of the original 6 in the same division GO WINGS!!!!
I bought this ebook and it proved pretty much useless. If you want a miracle cure, send your money to me instead. I have a voodoo doll in my closet and for 20$ I will cure you. ;)
hi there guys!
if you bought it why not upload a link with the pdf so everyone can have and check by themselves without expending more money in a fake book.
that will be a way as well to stop people like this to make money from people like us, desperate for answers and a cure.
When we get all of our info together for the Tinnitus Network site, we'll be reviewing all stuff like this.

I wonder if the fictional Thomas Coleman will provide us with a copy to review? And will be able to provide even 1 single piece of evidence that Tinnitus Miracle works, apart from fake testimonials and endorsements for people on a high sales commission?
When we get all of our info together for the Tinnitus Network site, we'll be reviewing all stuff like this.

I wonder if the fictional Thomas Coleman will provide us with a copy to review? And will be able to provide even 1 single piece of evidence that Tinnitus Miracle works, apart from fake testimonials and endorsements for people on a high sales commission?
Let me give this a try:

Chris' Tinnitus Miracle
1) Don't smoke
2) Keep your alcohol drinking to a minimum
3) Keep your caffeine intake to a minimum
4) Exercise regularly
5) Reduce stress in your life (yoga and relaxation exercises are good)
6) Eat a healthy diet with plenty of fruits and veggies
7) Generally take good care of yourself
8) Buy a puppy
Now send me my $69.95!

There! I'm pretty sure that will cover 90% of what's in this "Miracle" book, but I'm pretty sure we know all of this stuff anyway.
Is smoking really bad for T?

My ENT said it doesn't matter at all. My T is louder when I have consumed alcohol, but usually really quiet the next day

I'm not an ENT, but that's a dumb thing for him to say. Smoking is bad for virtually any disease, especially ones like tinnitus that have an inflammatory component. Again I'm not an ENT but I know a hell of a lot about the hearing loss literature. You should stop smoking. Don't do crack either!

You really should see an otologist (an ENT who specializes in ears). Have you had an audiogram? How has your ENT worked up your tinnitus?
I had an audiogram, never saw it though. They just said "perfect hearing" and smiled.

He said just get used to it, he had it in his right ear as himself, just got used to it he said.

He also said that smoking and drinking is safe, the only thing he said, was caffeine which make it a but louder for a little while (30 minutes or so)
I had an audiogram, never saw it though. They just said "perfect hearing" and smiled.

He said just get used to it, he had it in his right ear as himself, just got used to it he said.

He also said that smoking and drinking is safe, the only thing he said, was caffeine which make it a but louder for a little while (30 minutes or so)

Even with a perfect audiogram, you still may have damage to your outer hair cells. Did they do otoacoustic emissions?
1) Is your tinnitus high pitched, low pitched?
2) Does it come and go, or its it relatively constant?
3) Have you had any imaging of your head?

I think you know my opinion of his position on smoking and drinking.
As Chris said, you can still have damage to cell hairs and have "normal" hearing tests. Perfect hearing on standard tests is not really a real indication of your complete hearing spectrum. It just covers the range which is most important to hearing the sounds in your environment. You can still have loss at the high frequency end, for example 14K, but since you cannot really hear anything at the range it doesn't get tested in standardized audiograms because for normal hearing that range doesn't matter. But that would still be enough of a qualifying loss for creating a tinnitus sound.
If I would ever meet the author of the Tinnitus miracle I would give him a swift kick in the nuts, tape foghorns on each of his ears and let it rip.
RaZaH - pardon me but I have to tell you I almost sprayed my computer monitor with the coffee I'm drinking over this one :LOL: Rather a hearty chuckle, to say the least!
What's sad is that when people first look for answers say on yahoo or something, boom, in come the scammers who are in league with this coleman guy with promises and links to his book. Shaking my head at these scum who prey off of new T sufferers...
I am new, have just had T for a couple of weeks and am very scared of the disruption in my life & the lack of remedies. Could anyone share their thoughts regarding Tinnitas Miracle?

Thank you all so much,


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