From the 2016 Tinnitus Research Initiative (TRI) Conference, the authors claim success using the Padden-Choy Procedure with 84 out of 84 patients treating tinnitus. Has anybody tried this?
P75: 84 over 84 consecutive patients with predominant tone tinnitus successfully treated with principles of sound wave cancellation. Choy D., Fioretti A.F., Ludovici C.L. Zukerman Brain science and neuroscience, Columbia University, New York, USA)
Predominant tone tinnitus appeared in the Egyptian, Grecian, and Chinese medical literature; and for 6000 years has had no effective rx. There are 52 million moderate to severe sufferers in the U.S., 8 documented suicides in Portland, Oregon, and 1 billion patients worldwide. Constructive invention requires unorthodox thinking, and a dash of luck. I was trained in internal medicine and oncology @ Columbia, and had no contact with Otolaryngology. What am I doing at a tinnitus meeting? Together with 2 Italian colleagues, I was able to stop tinnitus in 84/84 consecutive pts with an average drop of 8.8 db averaging 33 months. I hold 17 patents in fields outside of tinnitus: Aeroplast, a spray-on dressing for survivors in atomic attack, the first laser knife, ultrasound imaging, coronary artery laser angioplasty, coronary angiogenesis by i.a. fgf infusion, a lvad with an intraventricular balloon assist device, multiple hearts in barosaurus and squid (lancet), percutaneous laser disc decompression in >8000 cases, and a textbook. A Robert Padden, with herniated discs, successfully treated twice, asked me to cure his "tinnitus" It was my first contact with "tinnitus." Since tinnitus will continue despite severing the 8th n, it had to be in the brain. I thought I had to manipulate the db and pitch, and at the time, only Agilent had a 128 physics lab machine to control db, pitch, and vibration plane. With one of these machines I had Padden self-assess his db, and pitch, and treated him for 1 hour. No effect. Two days later, his 20 year tinnitus disappeared, and lasted 10 years until his death from cancer in 2010. Hence the title: Padden-Choy procedure. Where was the luck? By chance I had landed on his plane of vibration! FDA approval was awarded in 2003. The 1 x a week by every 3 weeks x 6db (50%) produced 61% success rate ww. Then a patient from Texas called: Do I need to stay in NYC for 3 weeks? Very quickly, I answered "No, I'll treat you Monday, Wednesday, Friday - 4 days!" The success rate rose to 81% Luck! 61 to 81% when I shortened the rx period! What if I further shortened it to Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, 3 days in a row? This was only single blind! At 2 months I could no longer wait for a full 6 months! My assistant told me: 20 out of 20! Finally 60 patients showed a full 60 and responded, falling 12.6 db; Dr Fioretti ; 15 pts, 8.9db, ludovico 4/4 8.7 db. 84/84 tells the whole story! We will not claim 100%!