Ingredients used in the tinnitus from noise cochlear damage remedy
The ingredients used in the noise tinnitus remedy are a proprietary blend of nautural ingredients that have been potentized homeopathically and include some of the following ingredients:
Thiosinaminum - is a natural chemical that is derived from oil of the mustard seed and is excellent for ringing in the ear, noises in the ears.
Thiosinaminum may also be helpful in tinnitus when the cause is from fibrous, scar tissue. Helpful with otitis media and deafness due to some fibrous change in the nerve.
Carboneum Sulphuratum - is also referred to as Bisulphide of Carbon with a chemical formula of CS2. Carboneum Sulphuratum is a clear liquid which has a distintive odor and is obtained from chemists. CS2 is made into solution in alcohol and homeopathic potencies are made from this.
Carboneum Sulphuratum helps with impaired hearing, a sensation of fullness in the ears and noises in the head. Will help when the hearing is impaired with buzzing and singing noises like a harp. Carboneum Sulphuratum successfully treats Tinnitus and Meniere's disease.
Chininum Sulphuricum - Sulphite of Quinine - Used in homeopathy to help with buzzing, ringing, and roaring sounds that are loud enough to impair the person's hearing. Particularly helpful with violent ear ringing, buzzing, and roaring in ears with deafness.
Pulsatilla Vulgaris - Pulsatilla belongs to the Buttercup family of flowers, native to western, central and southern Europe. When potentized homeopathically Pulsatilla diminishes acuteness of hearing, and relieves inflammation the Eustachian tubes, also relieves ringing noises in the ears.
Cinchona Officinalis - China. Peruvian Bark - Excellent in the relief of sensitivity to noise and tinnitus. Symptoms helped include ringing in the ears, humming, roaring, or ticking in the ears. Also be helpful with hearing problems.