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Scam?: Tinnitus Terminator

I downloaded a free version and emailed it to my audiologist at the university research center for her opinion. She said it was bunk. Only good to relax to, but no cure.
Why doesn't someone just share the files they have downloaded with other members. Put these files out there for free and Tinnitus Terminator will no longer exist. I for one don't believe any of it. Think about this, everyone that has TT describes the "ringing" at different levels, so how could some generic sound files work? It can't.
Why doesn't someone just share the files they have downloaded with other members. Put these files out there for free and Tinnitus Terminator will no longer exist. I for one don't believe any of it. Think about this, everyone that has TT describes the "ringing" at different levels, so how could some generic sound files work? It can't.
It's already available for a free download, if you had bothered reading five posts above yours...

I already did read this post and clicked on it. It doesn't take you to a download at all, it takes you to a search results page. I am saying, someone should load the files on these forums for download. It's all a scam anyway.
Sorry you are right, they have fixed the loophole. Free DL page doesn't work anymore! All the files used to be there!
Hey, Jackh? How did it work out for you? I've suffered for nearly half my life and NOTHING has ever worked for me. I'm interested to see if it worked for you.
It sounds to me like a scam, BUT: I saw a couple of years ago on German TV (Deutsche Welle) that a University in Germany ( I am not sure but I think it was Heidelberg) actually found a promising therapy to cure T. They have already cured many patients through a system of "retraining the brain" to interpret sounds and filter out the ringing. This is a method that surprisingly similar to what the T. Terminator claims it does. Maybe they stole the idea and it's totally bogus, but do look into T. Therapy because there are great breakthroughs.
Update on my last post. Audiologist at local university tested me and I had sent her the full Tinnitus Terminator program and mp3s to look at. She says it won't cure. No cure found yet. Can be used to relax and help get to sleep, but that's it.
For what it's worth, I had a psychologist that had helped me to quit smoking by using hypnotism.

I asked him to look into whether or not it could be used to block out the conscious ringing (or whatever your personal hell is) that we all hear. He did some research on it and told me that he thinks that he can write a script to possibly block that out. I'm willing to give that a go.

Mine is not totally debilitating and I've learned to live with it for the most part. It might be awhile before I'm able to get in to try this technique. I will report back either way.

The TINNITUS TERMINATOR ad that popped up on my FB page is what led me to this forum. It sounded like BS from the way the lengthy narrative had started.

Glad to see that my assumptions were correct.
The best (OK, the only possible benefit) thing about encountering an ad for 'Tinnitus Terminator' was that I found this forum. Hard to compare my experience with tinnitus to others, but probably not too bad. "Real" doctors have told me there isn't anything to do about it, though I haven't asked the question for several decades, so perhaps I should. It has become something I am accustomed to. (hah!, like poor grammar.)

Occasionally, when it seems annoying, I sit, (sometimes plug my ears and yawn,) and try to "listen as hard as I can" to the noise. This generally causes it to dull to an acceptable level. The brain, (OK, my brain) is a very funny thing.

Thanks for saving me $47 (or $67, or $97) or any associated aggravation. This is my first post, I will check for threads on "listening and yawning," (curious to hear what other people do to cope.)
"Real" doctors have told me there isn't anything to do about it, though I haven't asked the question for several decades, so perhaps I should.

It is unfortunate that they give this cookie-cutter answer, because there are things you can try. And depending on root causes, there can be real cures (complete cures, as in the symptom disappears completely because your root cause was fixed).
Finally got around to listening to these files, they can certainly work as masking but miscellaneous nature sounds or midi conversions of classical music are not going to work for Tinnitus Retraining Therapy. If you know where your tinnitus lies, you're going to get much quicker relief having those frequencies and the ones around them alternating, generally nature sounds like a stream running and thunder are not approximating the frequencies those with high pitched tinnitus have. Mine is around 12.5kHz.

I've been listening to the Terminator files now for about 2.5 hours with my tinnitus raging over them, haha. Not gone down one bit. If I listen to another file called "high pitched workout" for just 5 mins, my tinnitus will go down to a fizzle for a similar length of time.

If you have a similar high pitched tinnitus, try the "Pulse Nine" .mp3 from this download that lets-beat-tinnitus (dot co dot uk) host on their website (not affiliated, never tried anything else on their site but these files are handy) - http://lets-beat-tinnitus.co.uk/blog/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/pulse-therapy-mp3s.zip

Click and download will begin, then unzip. I've been usign the "Pulse Nine" file for about 4-5 years now at night when I lie down and find I'm raging louder than normal...a 5 min listen with good headphones usually gives me enought respite to fall asleep...where everything is nice and quiet.

So yeah, those Terminator files aren't really much. Here's a .zip of them I "found" which will likely stay active for a couple weeks if anyone wants to try them, it's the first 5 "Call of Nature" and first 5 "White Noise" files and it's not hosted locally here on Tinnitus Talk - https://www.sendspace.com/file/xwz95k
If you have a similar high pitched tinnitus, try the "Pulse Nine" .mp3 from this download that lets-beat-tinnitus (dot co dot uk) host on their website (not affiliated, never tried anything else on their site but these files are handy) - http://lets-beat-tinnitus.co.uk/blog/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/pulse-therapy-mp3s.zip

Click and download will begin, then unzip. I've been usign the "Pulse Nine" file for about 4-5 years now at night when I lie down and find I'm raging louder than normal...a 5 min listen with good headphones usually gives me enought respite to fall asleep...where everything is nice and quiet.

So yeah, those Terminator files aren't really much. Here's a .zip of them I "found" which will likely stay active for a couple weeks if anyone wants to try them, it's the first 5 "Call of Nature" and first 5 "White Noise" files and it's not hosted locally here on Tinnitus Talk - https://www.sendspace.com/file/xwz95k

Just thought I'd advise that I just successfully downloaded these files. Thanks for posting.
I was just sent an email advertising the Tinnitus Terminator and had to sit through the ultra long video to see what was offered.

As an audiologist I was pretty disturbed by a lot of what Timothy Seaton was saying as there were lots of inaccuracies in his story about his early ear infections, placement of ventilation tubes, etc, as well as his not knowing the "reason" for his tinnitus.

His exposure to excessive sound levels in his profession certainly was a contributing factor! Also his claims that this program can reverse nerve damage to hearing loss is also ridiculous.

I am not sure why he had ear surgery as he professed but I am sure the surgeon did not do it to cure his tinnitus!!!!!

Anyway, good to see that you all realize it's garbage.
This is in response to LouRich. I just came across this site while searching tinnitus stuff. What upsets me are the responses you got in regards to your inquiry. You asked about Tinnitus Terminator and everyone here decided it was a scam. Maybe it is, but $67 is cheaper than 1 night out for dinner so I think if you think it could work you should try it. Doctor's take MUCH more than that and haven't provided any sort of relief for my father. Yet everyone still goes to the doctor hoping for some relief. I haven't decided yet of I am going to get it, but I am considering it. And it is true that some things may work for some people and not for others. Everyone has an opinion, but most times they are just speculation and not actual users of a product. There will always be scams or unrealistic hype on various products. As a consumer you need to make the best decisions you can and decide that if you purchase something it may not do what you want it to or what it promises, but that is part of the process. Good luck!

The research he quotes is talking about music that has been modified on an individualised basis to match the patient's tinnitus- which Seaton is not.

The research is also talking about improvements over 12 months, not cure over 1 month.

Seaton's site is a bloody nightmare- with that long rambling presentation, and the site fails to provide an organised presentation for what he's doing or the chance to ask questions. Then there is the "are you sure you want to go?" box when you try to close the webpage. These are all signs of a scam site.
This issue of cortical reorganisation (if it is that- I suspect the biggest changes happen at brainstem level) is clearly legitimate science and there are many psychologists treating tinnitus with this sort of method. Id be concerned that users of Seaton's product could lose faith in the method, though.

However this gave me a laugh: "Maybe it is, but $67 is cheaper than 1 night out for dinner so I think if you think it could work you should try it. Doctor's take MUCH more than that and haven't provided any sort of relief for my father. Yet everyone still goes to the doctor hoping for some relief. I haven't decided yet of I am going to get it, but I am considering it."

That's very true but nobody ever calls them out for scamming.

I'd sure call it a scam based on my personal experience with it.

Granted, I didn't use it for a year but after a few weeks I could tell it wasn't going to work. You would think that on this site there would be at least one person who posted that it does what it describes it will do and the results were rewarding.

I really wanted it to work as my condition limits me in all that I do. You're right its based on science but that doesn't mean it works.

After I decided to use their money back guarantee it was very difficult to find a phone number or form to fill out on the site and I could see that a lot of people would just give up and say it's not worth the hassle and forfeit their money.

Do a little more research on the internet before you buy.
Hi, I'm new to the forum but came across this topic which is a product I have tried.
It didn't have any benefit for me at all although I ran through the procedure twice over a month or so. It tries to differentiate between the different levels of Tinnitus by having you listen to more or less of the audio files. It is not very professionally set up which was a worry.
So no use really for me (I have a low level of ringing).
However, I applied for a refund and got it within a few days so it aint all bad.
It's not a scam. I bought it and really it's two long books with video and audio to teach you how to habituate (if there is such a thing). I do get some relief from the techniques in there. But yes the name of it is stupid.
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