You will probably be fine, I think the best thing you can do is go see an ENT, get a proper evaluation, and do what they suggest -- and the worst thing you can do might be hanging around this forum and reading horror stories and convincing yourself that you have a bigger problem than you do, because that can just create a self-fufilling prophecy.
The "normal" noise that you have "always" heard is just that -- it is a normal noise that you have always heard. If you allow yourself to become convinced that it is an abnormal, problematic noise, then you will begin to pay more and more attention to it, which will make you think it is getting louder. Reliable imaging has shown that paying attention to specific perceptual input literally increases the strength of those signals in the brain. That is, you really can make this "louder" by thinking about it and monitoring it. Don't be distressed about that, take it as a lesson in how bizarre and wonderful the brain is, it is a signal-generation and pattern-matching machine which is capable of literally rewiring itself based on input! Isn't that cool? You can use it to your advantage if you can figure out a way to just accept the sounds you're hearing, let them be present in your mind without paying them undue attention. Over time they will recede to the background and you will probably be left with your "normal" sound that you have "always" heard -- which is only a problem if you make it in to one.
Definitely cool it on the earbuds for a while, though. And do see an ENT!