You know I started this post as a way to vent my frustrations when it came to my T being affected by children who scream loudly (even when I wear earplugs). I never said I hate children or have no tolerance for them. I just don't feel like I should have to be feeling "A-OK" when I have to put up with children who scream and throw tantrums. But apparently it was misconstrued as a complaining about children and parenting in general thread and that's not okay. Let's make it clear that I don't hate children and even though I have none of my own I have friends who are parents so I understand parenting is hard and children are not always going to be perfect. Like I said in the first place, I understand that children have a lack of understanding of how to communicate effectively what they feel at a young age. I'm just frustrated that it spikes me T so much and I can't just leave the vicinity.