Severe Tinnitus Seemingly from Using NeoRhythm PEMF Device

Wil C.

Oct 25, 2020
Tinnitus Since
Cause of Tinnitus
Hi all,

I'm new here, and newly dealing very invasive constant tinnitus as well. To offer a little background of myself, I am 37 and living in a small town in BC, Canada. I originally got tinnitus around 2007, most likely from attending shows and events without ear protection. From that point in 2007 until last Saturday, it had not worsened. It would present itself occasionally as a very high pitched ringing that seemed to originate from the centre of my head, but consistently every single time it would kind of "fizzle" out and then be gone, or be so low that it was only present during complete silence.

So now, back to the NeoRhythm personal PEMF device. I ordered it from an Indiegogo campaign [found here:] in a bid to help treat my ongoing anxiety disorder, as well as just relax in general. I read through the information many times, read some reviews, talked with my fiancé about it, and finally decided to go for it. It arrived very quickly, and needless to say I was excited to try it out. However, upon starting it up and putting on my head (using the Deep Relaxation setting) at about 4am in our quiet bedroom, within 10 seconds I noticed that I was experiencing tinnitus louder than I ever had in the past.

At first, I wasn't really concerned as I just figured it would function in the same way it always had, be intense for a short while, then fade out and return from whence it came. But this time, it didn't go away at all. I went to sleep with it still loudly ringing, expecting that when I woke up it would be gone. However, that was not the case. Since then I have had the most invasive high pitched ringing in my ears that I have ever had, accompanied by a kind of pressure in my head that almost reminds me of altitude changes when flying. It has been triggering severe panic attacks, as well as disrupted my eating and sleeping to a great degree. I wake up nearly every morning in an anxious panic, not to mention the difficulties staying asleep.

It has suddenly become very difficult to function on any semblance of normal level. I've lost interest in everything I used to love, have no appetite and no desire to do anything, including cook and generally take care of myself. The only solace I find is in the shower, which I now have multiples of every day just for the touch of peace they provide. I have become a complete wreck and am really struggling to not be afraid. I am filled with a deep regret for getting this device and causing this problem for myself, as now I feel like I don't know how to live anymore and have lost my way.

To make matters worse, my fiancé is pregnant, due yesterday in fact, which is itself fantastic and I am truly excited to meet our new daughter. But all of these panic attacks that I'm having, the inability to focus on having conversation, the lack of desire for meal preparation and severe difficulties having restful sleep are putting quite a damper on the experience we are trying to have. I find it difficult to think about anything else other than the anxiety I am having from the tinnitus and pressure in my head. Even when I try to commit to something I enjoy, I feel so anxious about my brain health and not knowing what I have done to my self that enjoyment seems impossible.

I reached out to the company and they argued with me about the safety of their product, saying that what I was experiencing was not possible from using it and that there was no connection. Meanwhile, their health and safely section of the manual states that: ""Pulsed electromagnetic field side effects are usually nonexistent or minor and temporary, but they may be observed in users who are sensitive to electromagnetic fields." Usually is the key word there, not always, which also clearly suggests that some people do in fact experience adverse reactions, and to their knowledge even, yet nothing is disclosed about it.

Perhaps there is a different underlying reason to it all, and the timing of the onset was purely coincidental. It just seems too connected to pin to simply coincidence in my opinion. There are other known cases of people undergoing TMS therapy and it worsening their tinnitus, at much greater intensity of magnetic fields however, but still suggesting that the issue may present it self even with lower intensity fields. The fact that the company quite literally told me it was impossible for that to happen, and did not list any potential side effects at all, even for those hypersensitive to electromagnetic fields, is quite a red flag for me about the company that I wish I had seen prior to using it.

So here I am currently, expectant father any day now, and a sorry mess of a person hardly able to see past the anxiety that is plaguing me regarding the newly developed constant tinnitus and head pressure. It's also worth noting that I have been in therapy for just over a year and half now for trying to cope with increasing anxiety I have been experiencing for other reasons. It's a combination of discussion and CBT, and up until this happened I had really been making a lot of progress and feeling positively about my life. I was also just diagnosed with OA in my back and neck, and told I have abnormal curvature in my spine in two places as well as multiple disc issues throughout, yet because of my therapy up to that point I was able to deal with it in a much more healthy way.

Yet with this newly developed invasive constant tinnitus, I am seemingly back to square one; my mind is running wild and I am having great struggle trying to keep it under control. I feel like I am going crazy and I don't know what to do. Every night I find a bit of sleep by holding on to dear hope that it will be gone when I wake up in the morning. Perhaps that is why I have panic attacks in the morning upon waking and it's still present...

The ironic thing about how it started for me (seemingly with the PEMF device) is that there is actually tinnitus therapy involving rTMS. I have found all sorts of published science claiming it's effectiveness, however nothing that can explain what I am experiencing. See article here: [] They link to published papers as well. And there are others as well from as early as 2005.

I am very confused about this entire experience and normal things have become quite a struggle, so any insight or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for taking the time to read this very long post.
I'd get a hearing test done as well as ask for prednisone to see if it will help make the tinnitus lessen or go away due to inflammation. If they say they don't think it would help be persistent and ask to try it anyway just in case as long as it's not going to hurt you that you'd like to try it. Also start taking Magnesium Chelate or Magnesium L-Threonate and NAC.

I had a spike that lasted 4 months before returning to normal. Hang in there ❤️
Hi Kendra,

Thank you very much for your suggestions and encouragement, I really appreciate it. Its reassuring to hear that it's possible it may still go away, as yours did. Do you mind me asking what caused the spike for you? Was it constant for 4 months or intermittent but worse than it previously was? Also, can you please explain to me why you are recommending those supplements [Magnesium Chelate or Magnesium L-Threonate and NAC]? Thank you for your help, I really appreciate it.
Hi Kendra,

Thank you very much for your suggestions and encouragement, I really appreciate it. Its reassuring to hear that it's possible it may still go away, as yours did. Do you mind me asking what caused the spike for you? Was it constant for 4 months or intermittent but worse than it previously was? Also, can you please explain to me why you are recommending those supplements [Magnesium Chelate or Magnesium L-Threonate and NAC]? Thank you for your help, I really appreciate it.
It was pretty constant. I had small bits of time where the tinnitus lowered but then it would go back up again. It finally settled down without going up again after 4 months. NAC is a powerful antioxidant and helps with inflammation and Magnesium helps with sleep and your body uses it for many functions so it might help the ears function better.
Hi Kendra,

I apologize for not responding yesterday, I have been very inundated by severe panic attacks for the last couple days. I really want to thank you very much for the information, I really appreciate it. I went to the doctor today and got a referral to an audiologist, as well as met with a homeopathic pharmacist and picked up some vitamin B12, Magnesium, Coffea Cruda, and a good multivitamin (since I have had no appetite at all for about a week now, been living on smoothies as it's the only thing I can get down effectively.)

Can I ask you how you were able to deal with the anxiety associated with tinnitus? I find that even more than the affliction itself, the anxiety that has come along with it has left me completely crippled and at the whim of my mind. Once I can get the anxiety in check, the other symptoms are seemingly much easier to deal with, but I can't seem to attain any sort of lasting peace. Currently I take a stress relief blend with valerian root and some other stuff in it (not sure, don't have the bottle next to me) that has been marginally effective in helping mitigate the anxiety, however it is definitely not as effective as I would like.

I really appreciate all of your help so far, thank you very much. I'm just trying to take things one step at a time, but even that seems difficult. I'm really hoping that I can find some relief soon; I feel so tired and can't effectively sleep, so I've been running on fumes trying to tackle this and it really isn't working very well.
I have anxious moments as well and still suffer with bad anxiety some times. It really depends how your anxiety attacks manifest themselves as to what would help you. Mine give me a ton of adrenaline and I feel like I'm going to have a heart attack or burst when they happen. Honestly the only way I get them to go away is to let out all that energy in either crying or exercising. If you are able at the time one comes on just go outside and run. Run as fast and far as you can. Or cry it out. Anything to wear you out and get that adrenaline out. Now not having an attack in the first place is hard.

Something I read someone posted was that they had sever tinnitus but it didn't give them anxiety because they had become hardened to it. They said they didn't rise to it anymore. So when I start to feel anxious and freak out about the sounds I tell myself it's there but I don't have to rise to it. I don't have to fight it. There is nothing to fight. And getting worked up over it won't accomplish anything because there is nothing physically I can do. I know easier said than done but it has helped.
I have anxious moments as well and still suffer with bad anxiety some times. It really depends how your anxiety attacks manifest themselves as to what would help you. Mine give me a ton of adrenaline and I feel like I'm going to have a heart attack or burst when they happen. Honestly the only way I get them to go away is to let out all that energy in either crying or exercising. If you are able at the time one comes on just go outside and run. Run as fast and far as you can. Or cry it out. Anything to wear you out and get that adrenaline out. Now not having an attack in the first place is hard.

Something I read someone posted was that they had sever tinnitus but it didn't give them anxiety because they had become hardened to it. They said they didn't rise to it anymore. So when I start to feel anxious and freak out about the sounds I tell myself it's there but I don't have to rise to it. I don't have to fight it. There is nothing to fight. And getting worked up over it won't accomplish anything because there is nothing physically I can do. I know easier said than done but it has helped.
There's something in acceptance.

All of those I know with severe tinnitus, who have habituated, say the acceptance part is integral to their recovery.

So hard, as I lay here, unable to not hear it, but I'm really trying to accept that which I have no control over.
@Wil C., sorry to hear about your negative experience with this device. How are you doing now?

I have two children and very invasive severe tinnitus so I sympathise. I hope your spike will vanish soon. It seems extremely unlikely that a device with such limited power may cause permanent nerve damage, so hopefully this will revert to normal as your excited neurons reset at some point. Nerves may take a long time to reset but it should go back to the previous level hopefully.

We have been discussing this device in the TMS thread:

But your cautionary tale is important. I saw a similar report on another forum. I really hope you get better soon.
Have a look at this -

Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation improves both hearing function and tinnitus perception in sudden sensorineural hearing loss patients

I am involved in research into tinnitus and what actually causes it. I have found whilst researching, that there are many 'causes' but not a scholar nor researcher has considered what the actual protagonist IS. I am writing a paper 'Neuroscience - Maladaptive Neuroplasticity and it's relationship with Poly-Neurosensory Function' and will post it here as soon as my research is at a stage I can begin conducting clinical trials.

What I HAVE found so far, is that it is linked to the overstimulation of the auditory cortex by maladaptive neuroplasticity i.e. neurons can be replaced with neurons that act at a higher electrical impulse thus creating a new baseline or neuroelectric potential or signal [neurotransmitter switching].

Together with neurotransmitter synchronicity that exists within the motor circuits in the brain it becomes a perfect storm. I realize this may mean nothing to you as it IS complex but in the mean time, yes a shower [warm water flowing over the cranium] does reduce overstimulation. You could try [for now] a good acupuncturist [possibly targeted acupuncture or dry needling].

Oh yes, also the reason the NeoRhythm device increases the tinnitus is that it doesn't specifically target the auditory cortex to reduce activity, but a larger area of the brain [in particular the temporal lobe] which has the opposite effect.

I hope this helps.
Have a look at this -

Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation improves both hearing function and tinnitus perception in sudden sensorineural hearing loss patients

I am involved in research into tinnitus and what actually causes it. I have found whilst researching, that there are many 'causes' but not a scholar nor researcher has considered what the actual protagonist IS. I am writing a paper 'Neuroscience - Maladaptive Neuroplasticity and it's relationship with Poly-Neurosensory Function' and will post it here as soon as my research is at a stage I can begin conducting clinical trials.

What I HAVE found so far, is that it is linked to the overstimulation of the auditory cortex by maladaptive neuroplasticity i.e. neurons can be replaced with neurons that act at a higher electrical impulse thus creating a new baseline or neuroelectric potential or signal [neurotransmitter switching].

Together with neurotransmitter synchronicity that exists within the motor circuits in the brain it becomes a perfect storm. I realize this may mean nothing to you as it IS complex but in the mean time, yes a shower [warm water flowing over the cranium] does reduce overstimulation. You could try [for now] a good acupuncturist [possibly targeted acupuncture or dry needling].

Oh yes, also the reason the NeoRhythm device increases the tinnitus is that it doesn't specifically target the auditory cortex to reduce activity, but a larger area of the brain [in particular the temporal lobe] which has the opposite effect.

I hope this helps.
As I see it, in 2018 you were doing research, right?

It's good to know that there are new people studying tinnitus.

Is there already any theory why we develop several tones of tinnitus?

Why some are tonal, others more similar to "white noise"?

I have had 4 sessions of acupuncture, but I'm also under some stress from the tinnitus and I haven't seen any improvement with acupuncture.

What do you think of the Neurofeedback treatment? Since it's aimed at the brain?
Have a look at this -

Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation improves both hearing function and tinnitus perception in sudden sensorineural hearing loss patients

I am involved in research into tinnitus and what actually causes it. I have found whilst researching, that there are many 'causes' but not a scholar nor researcher has considered what the actual protagonist IS. I am writing a paper 'Neuroscience - Maladaptive Neuroplasticity and it's relationship with Poly-Neurosensory Function' and will post it here as soon as my research is at a stage I can begin conducting clinical trials.

What I HAVE found so far, is that it is linked to the overstimulation of the auditory cortex by maladaptive neuroplasticity i.e. neurons can be replaced with neurons that act at a higher electrical impulse thus creating a new baseline or neuroelectric potential or signal [neurotransmitter switching].

Together with neurotransmitter synchronicity that exists within the motor circuits in the brain it becomes a perfect storm. I realize this may mean nothing to you as it IS complex but in the mean time, yes a shower [warm water flowing over the cranium] does reduce overstimulation. You could try [for now] a good acupuncturist [possibly targeted acupuncture or dry needling].

Oh yes, also the reason the NeoRhythm device increases the tinnitus is that it doesn't specifically target the auditory cortex to reduce activity, but a larger area of the brain [in particular the temporal lobe] which has the opposite effect.

I hope this helps.
Is the spot size of the NeoRhythm too large, or should it be placed differently on the ear or head? Also, where is the auditory cortex located in relation to the ear?

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