I know a lot of people who are tinnitus "sufferers", but everyone of them lives a normal life, because they hear their tinnitus mostly in a quite rooms or just at night...
I've had tinnitus since 2007 and I never had a problem with it for 7 years. Now had a huge volume increase, so I'm pretty doomed, but I have to say stop waiting for a cure.
Most likely a cure won't come in the next 10-20 years. It's a sad thing to say that, but 60% or more people in the word have never heard about permanent tinnitus, so this is a very slowly moving research area.
You might say now that a lot of people have tinnitus so it's a very huge market...
I'm sorry to say, it's not. For 7 years I didn't search for a cure (just one meeting with my ENT), even though I had tinnitus. I was just okay with it.
So don't expect people to buy very expensive medicines if they are 100% okay with their heads. This market is a very, very little market.
I'm really struggling these days, but slowly start to understand that if I'm always trying to cure myself I will never habituate again.
I was fine for almost 7 years and maaaan... that was a 99% cure for me. I always said to everyone that I'm fully healthy and my body rocks, never mentioned to anyone that I have tinnitus.
So If someone would have said to me, let's say around 4 years earlier, that I can cure your tinnitus for sure, just pay me 2000 in cash for the medicine. I would have started to laugh and said NO immediately... and that's the problem with that market.
Yes I'm very pessimistic I know... No matter what I wrote down I really hope that someone finds the cure, or actually I don't need full cure, just something to turn down the volume a bit.