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Share Your Coronavirus (COVID-19) Vaccine Experience: Any Impact on Your Tinnitus or Hyperacusis?

I received my Pfizer shot on April 27, 2021 and did not have a second shot because of the terrible reaction. I already had some tinnitus, otalgia, and hyperacusis before the shot, but was able to ignore the tinnitus, took medicine for the pain when needed, and could hear well enough to follow my career as a composer and arranger of music for the harp. (My music has been used by tens of thousands of fellow harpists.)

It is not overstating the case to say that the COVID-19 shot destroyed most of my hearing and ended my career - except for selling copies of the music I have already arranged. I would no longer be able to hear well enough to write or arrange new music.

The greatly increased hearing loss and extreme inner ear pain started the day after the shot. My PCP gave me a shot in the arm that day, of a steroid he said was similar to Prednisone but better, but I was unable to get an appointment with an ENT specialist until July 19, too late to have the shots in the ears. I am now waiting for the results of a creatinine test the specialist ordered, and need a little more information before making an appointment for the MRI of the inner ear that he also ordered. (Based on the info sheet he gave me, I need to know if the MRI is compatible with my dental fillings and if the dye is OK when I have CKD.) I hope there is something he can do.

If I'd had any idea of this I would not have had the shot, and if anyone at the local clinic had known, they would have advised me not to have it.
I got the Pfizer vaccine today. I will report if there is any change in my sever tinnitus. I was scared to death it would increase my tinnitus. My mom got tinnitus from the J&J shot and it took about 2 months to disappear to the point she can't hear it. The reason I got it is because my son starts back to school and I didn't want to risk him bringing it home to me and the COVID-19 making my tinnitus worse. I'm a 40-year-old male.

It has been 7 hours and so far no change in my tinnitus.

EDIT #1:

It has been almost 24 hours since having my first Pfizer shot. I feel like I have been hit by a milk truck. I have been experiencing deep ear pains that come and go and pressure in my head and ears. Despite all this, thankfully, no change in my tinnitus so far. Thank you Lord. I am also going to wait 8 weeks before getting my second shot.

I will not post again unless my tinnitus has become negatively affected or until after I receive my second dose.

Side note: My wife had COVID-19 and during COVID-19 had experienced ringing in her ears that resolved after clearing the virus. She got the Pfizer same time as me and has no ear ringing but also feels like she has been hit by a truck today (weak and rundown).

EDIT #2:

I definitely have a spike today. High pitched loud constant tone which is slightly different than the other tones in my head. It was there when I woke up this morning 2.5 days after the Pfizer vaccine. I will let you know what day 3.5 brings.

I am also going to take 5 to 10 MG of Cyclobenzaprine around 5 pm this evening to try and be able to sleep tonight.

I am used to loud tinnitus so this is just a change of pitch and tone.
I had Moderna first shot yesterday July 27,2021. I had no change in tinnitus until it woke me up in the middle of the night. It is raging today. I am very upset about it as it was loud before the shot. Hoping it calms down. Thinking it might be from the inflammation the vaccine causes. I am reporting to VAERS.
Just wanted to say I had my first shot of Pfizer about a month ago. No effect on my tinnitus sounds as far as I can tell. Same shit as before – not more, not less.

I will take my second shot in about two weeks. Hope it won't make things worse (will report back if I remember).
I went for my second Pfizer shot last week. I felt quite groggy and had a headache for a couple of days, but there was no change to my tinnitus.
Happy to report... Three months after having my second shot of Moderna, I have had absolutely no noticeable change in my tinnitus. I have been living with tinnitus for several years. My only negative experience was the second shot really put me down for about 24 hours. I could barely move, and I ached all over. I felt completely fine after a couple nights of sleep.
I got the first Moderna dose on July 22th. Three days after the vaccine, my tinnitus spiked moderately and has not gone down since. Currently I hear it even when focused on work or TV which wasn't the case before, though I don't listen actively to it.

Hyperacusis was fortunately not affected.

One dose of Moderna seemingly gives you a 80% reduction of severe illness, so for the moment I will forego the second dose. I hope the protection of one dose isn't significantly shorter than with two doses.
I had the first Moderna shot in May, the second in June, and have experienced no changes at all with my tinnitus.
I went ahead at my wife's behest and got the second Pfizer shot exactly 3 weeks after my first shot on Sunday 8/15/21. My tinnitus is spiked again. Hoping it will go down after a few more days. It's a new pure tone ultra high pitch in both ears with break through tones.

Just chiming in to say, 3 months out, zero problems and I will get my 8 month booster with no hesitation

I had spikes both times; have also had spikes from flu shots, and all of these are very very similar to the spikes I get from basically any cold or serious influenza, so for me I believe it is just immune system activation and not a sign that anything dangerous is occurring.

The spikes I've gotten from the flu shot are annoying but much less severe than the spikes I've had the couple times I've managed to get full-blown-lays-me-out-for-2-weeks influenza infections.
Well I pray you are right! My spike HAS INCREASED. It is so loud I can't hear myself whisper and I am seriously freaking out. So loud that I am pacing and can't rest. This is an insane increase.

I got the Pfizer shot on Sunday. This has got to end soon or I'm going to lose it.
I had a spike about 5 days after the first Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine. It has since subsided close to baseline.

I went to the Audiologist and had a hearing test. I have a very slight 4 kHz notch that was not there in January 2020.

I am scared to go for the second vaccine, due tomorrow. However, note, I am a drummer so it is highly likely to be hearing loss from that. Interestingly the hearing loss is on same side as the injection was. Most likely co-incidental.

I got the first shot of the Pfizer vaccine back in early April. Worst symptom was a sore arm.

That was before tinnitus. I got tinnitus mid-April from something unrelated (noise). Then I had nerve damage/herniated disc so I put off the 2nd shot for a couple of months.

I got the 2nd shot and no symptoms at all. Tinnitus unchanged. I was also on nerve pain medication at the time (Gabapentin), so that may have been a variable.
No, no impact on tinnitus in my case. Got the Pfizer shot (x 2) five weeks apart.

However, this article looks into a three-patient case study where a COVID-19 vaccine is deemed responsible for the subsequent resulting tinnitus.
I got new headphones in the beginning of April. Then I got my first Pfizer shot. In about 3-4 weeks I noticed a persistent morse code tinnitus in my right ear. It could have been the headphones or the shot. I also felt pressure in my ears and maybe slight hyperacusis.

In the beginning of June I injured my ears with a 16 kHz 110 dB sound (a few seconds of exposure). Unsure if this should have resulted in immediate hearing loss or was it just that my ears were very sensitive due to headphones use/vaccine?

Basically I am unsure, but the vaccine could have played a role.
I've had both doses of Pfizer now. No effect on tinnitus or hyperacusis at all. No side effects apart from sore arm.

I'm definitely more afraid of what the COVID-19 virus itself could do to my tinnitus and to the rest of my body than I'm afraid of the vaccine. Seems like some people that worry about the vaccine forget that the COVID-19 virus could end up affecting you much worse...
I have tinnitus, a ringing tone, in my left ear caused by ear infection / hearing loss, plus other tones in both ears caused by another ear infection.

I had my first 1st AstraZeneca jab on 29th March, and the 2nd on 11th June. I felt a bit tired after the 1st jab but no effect on tinnitus at any point.
My pain hyperacusis has taken quite a drastic turn for the worse after the first shot of Pfizer on August 12. I can't say 100% that it was the vaccine, but I felt ill, unwell and tired some days after the vaccine and then worsening of hyperacusis crept in over the course of 3-4 days. It's never been this bad before. I don't think I will be taking the second shot. It's already awful. If it gets worse, I really don't think I can bear it. I can't take the risk.
First; I have had a mix of Pfizer (26th of June) and Moderna (31st of September).
I reported my experience with the first dose of Pfizer earlier in this thread, and I will now address the second dose by Moderna.

First 48 hours I had intense pain in the arm, nausea and some slight head ache. After about 72 hours I felt fine again.

5 days after injection I started feeling warm (no fever) and noticed my resting heart rate had increased by 2 bpm from baseline. I am now at day 10 after injection and my resting heart rate has increased from day to day, and I am now 8 beats over my usual rate on daytime, and 10 beats over my sleeping heart rate. For the record, I have been monitoring my heart rate since 2017. I will continue to monitor this and come back with updates, but I have read that many people experience increased heart rate up to 2-3 weeks after injection.

When it comes to tinnitus, the second dose has not affected it in any way.
Hi everyone,

I decided to get vaccinated yesterday with the J&J vaccine. I still have doubts and questions, just like those that have already been posted. For me, it got down to relative risks - the risk of contracting COVID-19 with potentially life threatening implications or worsening my tinnitus. I wanted to hold out for Novavaxx, but given that this is likely not going to get approved until Q1 2022 (outside the US), it is not feasible. If you have to get out of your house to work, etc., unless you are vaccinated, life is going to become very complicated.

So far, other than a mild headache and being tired, I have not had any significant impact to my tinnitus (noise induced). It's a bit more annoying today than normal, but similar to when I am fighting a cold or allergies. I started taking Alpha Lipoic Acid, Glutathione, NAC, and Echinacea (triple the recommended dose for all) several days before getting vaccinated, in addition to all my usual supplements, and will continue to do so for the next 1-2 weeks. Will never know if all of this additional supplementation makes a difference, but in my view, could never hurt.

I will continue to provide updates which I hope will prove helpful to others.

Hi, checking back in with the outcome of my second Pfizer shot. I waited six months to do the second shot as I was very fearful due to the first jab making my tinnitus quite a bit worse (regrettably, that change has not improved).

So, three weeks ago I received my second shot and there has been no major change. I did take anti-inflammatory supplements for about 5 weeks surrounding the time of the shot and I ate a lot of anti-inflammatory foods.

On Day 11 I had a full feeling in the left ear and a new sound on that side but I took allergy meds for several days and the sound resolved quickly.

Now I feel I have a slight exacerbation but it is hard to tell if it is a new/worsening sound or I am just being over vigilant in frequently scanning for possible changes. Masking is definitely less effective but, again, I suspect this is due to hyper-awareness.

I expect that in the next month when I am no longer "monitoring for changes" I will once again begin to habituate and cease to focus on the tinnitus so much.

Overall I am relieved that the outcome of shot #2 did not cause a major upset in my experience as a person living with tinnitus.
I just got vaccinated today with Pfizer. My hyperacusis is already acting up. But it might be because I am really scared and overly sensitive right now.

I just hope that my tinnitus don't get worse than it already is.

I first decided to avoid the vaccine, until now. I took it now because where I live there is hardly any restrictions anymore, and me not being vaccinated limits my kids' life significantly, and I have an overactive immune system, so the risk of COVID-19, and a bad reaction to that is bigger than it was before.

I will keep you updated. Wish me luck.
Update on day 3:

The morning after my first shot (Pfizer) I woke up with pain in my left ear, it was warm too, and the side of my neck was really painful. Last night the pain was in both ears. Same today; pain in both ears. Hyperacusis is still present and my tinnitus feels more aggravated. But I don't know if it is a spike, or because I am so scared of getting worse that I constantly listen to my tinnitus.

I normally think my tinnitus is louder in my left ear, but now my right ear is the dominant. But again, I am constantly stressing out and evaluating my tinnitus now. I'm really scared that it will get worse.

So hopefully it is just that. Me being extra sensitive.

My body feels fine. All symptoms are pretty much from the neck and up.

I will wait before I decide to get the second shot though.
I got the Pfizer shot on the 3rd of September and 36 hours later got tinnitus, worse in my right ear. I had no tinnitus beforehand. I was forced to get it to keep my job. I was in a vax adverse event, specifically for tinnitus, group on Facebook but they have been deleted today.
I got my first shot on Friday (Pfizer) and have not noticed an increase. Thinking of takingCcurcumin after my second shot to reduce any inflammation it may cause to my ears.

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