Sharp Tinnitus Spikes While Falling Asleep?

Hi folks. I have something to share here.

For about the past couple of weeks when I'm starting to fall asleep I, all of a sudden, get sharp volume spikes from the tinnitus in my ears and head. It startles the daylights out of me. It seems to be happening every night now before I can get to sleep. When I wake up at night and try to go back to sleep it happens more. I use a white noise machine and a fan at night for masking the tinnitus.

Has anybody else had this weird stuff happen to them?
They happen to me occasionally as well. I'll be on the cusp of sleep and suddenly I'll hear a sound like a gunshot, a scream, or a dog bark. Unless people really ARE shooting and killing each other in the apartments surrounding mine.
Hi Nucleo and Alex, thanks for responding to my post. When weird stuff starts to happen to a person, they begin to feel isolated and anxiety sets in. I've vaguely heard of "exploding head syndrome" but will research it some. Thanks for posting the link Nucleo.
Thank god I'm not the only one. I have had tinnitus for a good number of years now and thought I was coping, but then about a month ago it went up another level and now when falling asleep i get these sudden noises/ jolts that are quite frightening. Horrible sensation. I sympathise with anyone getting this too.

Thanks to all for sharing. Take care.

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