I was on Effexor after I got my tinnitus, it made things so much worse for me (including my hearing). I've been off for over two years, things are improving slowly, the horrendous withdrawal lasted for a long time but it was definitely worth it getting off this poison. I was always told as a kid that drugs aren't the answer, we were even preached to about the dangers of pot haha. Now the doctors hand These hard core drugs out like candy, I don't get it. It's somehow okay to get blasted on mind altering dangerous drugs daily if you aren't feeling right, how things have changed.
But, don't get me wrong if they actually worked, I would take them and be all in for the risks. The fact is they didn't help me at all, they only messed me up worse than I already was. I think this is the case for many. From what I have read many many times, is that these drugs can increase anxiety (they did in my case) and are really not any more effective than placebo. In my opinion, you are better off taking a walk or doing something healthy over getting high on these drugs daily.
Unfortunately my tinnitus has stayed the same after the slow taper, but I am better equipped to handle the hell of tinnitus without these toxins floating around my system. I look back at myself now that I'm off these drugs, I can see clearly what they were doing to me.
I still take a low dose of benzo, this is not helpful for me either. It helped me sleep for the first while, but they wear off after a couple of weeks, now I just take them so I don't go into withdrawal. Was that two weeks that they knocked me out worth becoming a drug addict, definitely not. I'm starting a taper program for this as well.
Don't take my advise though (just personal experience) talk to your doctor and maybe check out this article: