Hi guys, long time viewer but my first time posting. I am 25 years old and currently 5 months into my Tinnitus. I believe it has been brought on from noise damage as I played without ear protection in a loud 80s electro band nearly every weekend for about 2 years. However I do have issues with my ears clicking when I swallow and my jaw also clicking (so it could be ETD or TMJ? I'm so lost at the moment I can't even self diagnose myself!). This stress along with a 9 month waiting list to see an ENT doctor hasn't been the easiest but I feel like I am getting there slowly.
The reason I post today is a question to the singers out there currently suffering. I would really like to get back to performing with my band as it was a huge part of my life as well as a good source of extra income. I have had some custom earplugs fitted from Minerva which take out 30dB of sound. Is this the best protection that I should be using? I see a lot of people use 20dB or 25dB as the norm but would the 30dB be any better? I decided on the 30dB as it is mainly recommended for drummers and seeing as I stand so close to the drum kit when I am performing and I want the MOST protection that is available I thought it would be a better option to go for. Does anybody suffer with the occlusion effect when they are singing with earplugs and does this make your tinnitus any worse? I'm quite new to the science of all this so any advice is greatly appreciated.
The reason I post today is a question to the singers out there currently suffering. I would really like to get back to performing with my band as it was a huge part of my life as well as a good source of extra income. I have had some custom earplugs fitted from Minerva which take out 30dB of sound. Is this the best protection that I should be using? I see a lot of people use 20dB or 25dB as the norm but would the 30dB be any better? I decided on the 30dB as it is mainly recommended for drummers and seeing as I stand so close to the drum kit when I am performing and I want the MOST protection that is available I thought it would be a better option to go for. Does anybody suffer with the occlusion effect when they are singing with earplugs and does this make your tinnitus any worse? I'm quite new to the science of all this so any advice is greatly appreciated.