This has been something I've experienced for at least the past 20 years. That's when I remember it starting or getting bad anyway. It happens pretty often for me actually. I'm not sure why. I've gotten to where I can usually be tipped off that it's about to happen(usually my tinnitus floods out most other noises and the room sort of dims) but I still can't brace myself for the accompanying fear and hallucinations. Usually it's people climbing down from my closet shelf ring style, or trying to get through my window or a man staring at me through my bedroom door, sometimes with/without weapons. I know I'm dreaming and it's not real, and like someone else said, I try to slow my breathing and pretend I'm asleep so they don't know I'm awake and will go away haha. I have through the years been able to get my subconscious to have kind of have a little break through, so I can sometimes make a noise or rock back and forth to wake up my light sleeper husband. That doesn't wake me up but he knows why I'm doing it and immediately wakes me up and helps calm me down to fall back to sleep. I know it doesn't make much sense since it's Sleep Paralysis to work your way into being able to move and make noise, but remember it's your subconscious doing it, and if you have enough of these and over a long period of time, you get extremely desperate to find that loop hole or jedi mind trick yourself to get help while it's happening.