Because stupidity knows no bounds. Look at what those Argentinians did to the tiny dolphin, passing it around to take selfies. The poor creature was so traumatized it died.Look at the size and capability of that amazing animal. Why would anyone choose to keep it imprisoned in a tank anyway?
A young dolphin died in Argentina after it was taken from the sea and passed around to people taking selfies with it. Huge crowds gathered around the small mammal on the beach resort at Santa Teresita in Argentina after one man scooped it from the water. The dolphin was still being passed around after it died and was later left abandoned, according to news reports.
That is incredibly sad. Kind of makes me ashamed of being human. Well done for making the argument, but sadly many people are just not able to face reality.Because stupidity knows no bounds. Look at what those Argentinians did to the tiny dolphin, passing it around to take selfies. The poor creature was so traumatized it died.
I actually got into an online argument on another forum because I said the dolphin was traumatized and died from being manhandled, and the person arguing with me said I wasn't a marine biologist and so I had no basis to make such a statement.![]()
This video below landed in my inbox yesterday - it makes the point that what happened to the snake and the dolphin is completely in keeping with how humanity routinely treats other beings.
I can't watch the video. It literally tears me apart emotionally to see animals mistreated.
Individually they have very distinct personalities, varying intelligence, and are bright and very cable of learning. They can remember over 40 faces and voices (sheep or human), respond to their names, love petting, can interpret human emotion and can remember who was kind to them etc.
Needless to say my little flock have long and easy lives and are contented and calm.