Yeah, I went through a period where a focused constantly on what I was eating and how that affected my T either later that night or the next day. I was pretty sure I could and was narrowing it down to at least identify some factors causing the worst spikes or dramatic changes in intensity. Long story short...I gave up. Sometimes I get a sudden burst in intensity after imbibing on foods containing cumin, paprika, MSG, spicy dishes in general, etc. Or when my intake of caffine or nicotine goes up. But...and a big other times it makes absolutely no difference at all what I eat or when I eat it. If a spike's coming, it's coming. Period. The only common thread seems to be not enough good sleep and resultant anxiety. And when I string together a few days of relief, with levels relatively low and bearable, there is absolutely no pinpointing that cause either. Just gotta see that when life's good, appreciate it!