Well, that was interesting. You would almost believe that BS-story... And that is exactly what scammers want to achieve and then - inevitable - your money. Thanks member Contrast for this topic and the excellent analysis.
The video of
Sonus Complete has all known hallmarks of deception.
- Medical expertise (a pseudo medical fake story, that concerns ALL kinds of tinnitus and therefore all of us; yes it is brain connectivity!!), fear ("your brain is a ticking time-bomb");
- Skeptics (against pharmacy and the powerless medical practitioners "who have no clue");
- Trust (money-back guarantee and go see a doctor urgently when you have the symptoms from meningitis);
- Sympathize (BS-story about his own experience; he actually shot a bullet that missed his wife by an inch and awwww... then he saw his sons eyes) and
- Recognition (suffering from that noise)
But hey; they really know exactly what causes tinnitus and they've got
the remedy, for all of us!! Actually it is a an ultra secret formula (sssshttt!) from Mensa but thank God there's Gregory Peters (this a-hole is lying about his name, see further); a medical librarian. And there is also genius (IQ 159; just ONE IQ-point less than Einstein!) Dr. Steven Campbell; a brain specialist (...). Their ultra secret formula is put all together in a little pill with a few herbs (they're just very hard to harvest...) and vitamins. You only have to use it for a few weeks! It is a miracle! Very convenient; for just a few bucks and with money-back guarantee. As a bonus it improves your brain too! It worked for 47,000 people already.
This demanding blabla session - not able to fast forward it - for almost one hour, with a rapidly speaking and himself repeating (fake facts) actor, naming famous institutes, an imaginary doctor and people for whom it worked is called BRAINWASHING! Con artists is a waaaay too nice word for them. I call them plain liars, playing with our struggle and emotions and all they want is just your money; it makes them
exactly like and nothing less than drug dealers.
We are all looking for a cure but this is just another scam. My personal advice:
please do NOT BUY THEIR FAKE PILLS! I found info on this website very interesting so I started digging a little deeper into theirs (sonuscomplete.com). No reviews (neither on YouTube, by the way) and when you scroll all the way down on that website and click on 'Affiliates', you'll see some interesting disclaimers:
- They admit that Gregory Peters is not real a real name for that despicable actor: "Gregory Peters is a pen name used for marketing purposes and to protect the author's identity. Any likeness to a real Gregory Peters living or dead is entirely coincidental." Marketing purposes... Author... how about that? So it actually is marketed and scripted;
- "The website's content and the product for sale is based upon the author's opinion and is provided solely on an "AS IS" and "AS AVAILABLE" basis. You should do your own research and confirm the information with other sources when searching for information regarding health issues and always review the information carefully with your professional health care provider before using any of the protocols presented on this website and/or in the product sold here." Well I did, actually a few years ago in a university medical center with a real (!) medical doctor/engineer (a double dr.). He warned me 3.5 years ago already for scammers; never told me NOT to do it but warned me for disappointments and loss of money;
- "Neither BuyGoods nor the author are engaged in rendering medical or similar professional services or advice via this website or in the product, and the information provided is not intended to replace medical advice offered by a physician or other licensed healthcare provider. You should not construe BuyGoods's sale of this product as an endorsement by BuyGoods of the views expressed herein, or any warranty or guarantee of any strategy, recommendation, treatment, action, or application of advice made by the author of the product." Again: it is scripted and this is the disclaimer to protect them from lawsuits;
- "Testimonials, case studies, and examples found on this page are results that have been forwarded to us by users of Sonus Complete products and related products, and may not reflect the typical purchaser's experience, may not apply to the average person and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results." Related products..?? No guarantees?? Right! Thanks for the advice!
Click at the Refund Policy tab. If the pills are not working, you can just return them. Even on the 59th day. They claim that they'll keep you updated on the refund process too and you can rest assured the refund will be processed in only a few days after receiving the returned package. I read quite a few different stories here and elsewhere and not only about Sonus Complete. I also found some interesting hits on the return address
37 Inverness Drive East, Suite 100, Englewood, CO 80112. All kinds of fake pills and scammer activities, like no refunding at all.
This has to stop!!!
For us: don't assume pills will work any better as M&M's or Tic Tac. Those are cheaper too