SoundCure Serenade Tinnitus Treatment System

I have found out by using this device for a very short period of time that in some ways it does help. By this I mean that I still get a feeling of anxiety sometimes but not a much as I was having before I started using the S/C system. I have kind of given up on the ust of the S/C system during the night but using it more in the early morning and afternoon. I do get the windowing effect that the literature talks about but its the sound cure noise seems to disappear not the T's. I have also notice one thing also when I have the device on after a few minutes I cannot hear the noise that the S/C is putting out but as soon as I remove the ear buds and replug them into my ears the noise is back. Why I do not know? Anyway like they ust to say in the old days! Just keep on trucking!
By this I mean that I still get a feeling of anxiety sometimes but not a much as I was having before I started using the S/C system

Well, that is an excellent sign. Reducing anxiety is always the first step to habituating to tinnitus. And, so far, your noise has not gotten worse. Another good sign!

Keep it up! We are all rooting for you. :) It would be wonderful to have you as a success story.

But success does take time.

take care!
Well not to much good news of as late. The sound care program seems to make my tinnitus louder and my nervous system seems not to have changed to much in the past two weeks. I feel as though I'm on my own with this junk as my doctor seems to have given up on me. What a position to be put in as I feel I can handle the tinnitus noise but the effect on my nervous system I cannot do a thing with but just keep on looking for an answer to calm my nerves. How does one control the flight or flight part of the tinnitus program? It seems the only answer is to get busy with life right after one wakes up and that is so hard to do. I know exercise is a key component to stopping the flight or fight but that means getting on a treadmill or something else to get rid of the excess hormones that are running amok in my system. Keeping one mind busy is part of the key and drugs seem to be part of the situation also. Well I will be seeing audiologist next week and we shall see what she has to say about my condition and the usage of the sound cure system. Oh I will still keep on using the sound cure system for now I only hope that doesn't bother ringing noise to a point where it damages something in my brain.
I was the first person in the UK to try it in Harley Street. It does not work sadly. It is also to bulky for everyday use. Also the headphones are cheap. you would think they would use something like Airdrives that are the only safe things to use.
Well not to much good news of as late. The sound care program seems to make my tinnitus louder and my nervous system seems not to have changed to much in the past two weeks. I feel as though I'm on my own with this junk as my doctor seems to have given up on me. What a position to be put in as I feel I can handle the tinnitus noise but the effect on my nervous system I cannot do a thing with but just keep on looking for an answer to calm my nerves. How does one control the flight or flight part of the tinnitus program? It seems the only answer is to get busy with life right after one wakes up and that is so hard to do. I know exercise is a key component to stopping the flight or fight but that means getting on a treadmill or something else to get rid of the excess hormones that are running amok in my system. Keeping one mind busy is part of the key and drugs seem to be part of the situation also. Well I will be seeing audiologist next week and we shall see what she has to say about my condition and the usage of the sound cure system. Oh I will still keep on using the sound cure system for now I only hope that doesn't bother ringing noise to a point where it damages something in my brain.

What sad news! I was hoping for a positive report--even slightly positive. When you say your nervous system is bothered, do you mean the system is increasing your anxiety? That is not good. And yes, exercise is very useful. But can't your doctor prescribe you something for the anxiety? Apparently, the device has put your nervous system into a "fight-or-flight" alert.

There is an excellent book about supplements and other strategies that help with anxiety, The Chemistry of Calm. Of course, I do not know what medications you may be taking; but I do know that any supplement may interact with prescription drugs. So, if you do try something, talk to your doctor or pharmacist first and bring along with a list of drugs you might be taking. The book is available on Amazon.

Please continue to update. Good or bad, we need to know. And I hope you are sleeping well. Sleep is the number one thing we must do for ourselves if our tinnitus is to improve.

take care,

After four months I abandoned the use of my Serenade. I never once experienced any benefit, and I believe it has caused permanent hyperacusis (which I was NOT experiencing prior to use of the Serenade). There is zero option for return or resale of this useless device. I am extremely disappointed in both SoundCure and my audiologist for prescribing such a low grade - low efficacy therapy. Shame on them !!!!
I paid $2,400 out-of-pocket for this piece of 'S'#$%. I used it as prescribed for four months, and never experienced one iota of benefit. In fact, I believe it worsened my condition by causing hyperacusis. Any audiologist who offers this device is OBLIGATED to take it back. Mine did not, I am extremely disappointed with her. Insist on a return if you ever decide to try this very low grade therapy.
I paid $2,400 out-of-pocket for this piece of 'S'#$%. I used it as prescribed for four months, and never experienced one iota of benefit. In fact, I believe it worsened my condition by causing hyperacusis. Any audiologist who offers this device is OBLIGATED to take it back. Mine did not, I am extremely disappointed with her. Insist on a return if you ever decide to try this very low grade therapy.

I am sorry you had such a terrible experience! That seems to be the consensus on this thread. But I am very glad you reported your experience.

What do you plan on doing next? Maybe just go with some type of maskers?

take care and good luck!
Thanks, yes I wanted to be sure to get the word out. I read the results of the "Clinical Trial" at UCI (I graduated from UCI with a B.S.E.E.), I never experienced any of the suppression that many (in the small trial) did, I am skeptical about the whole development of the Serenade device.

Since I have had tinnitus for many years, I naturally 'habituated' to it as it was also a slow onset (what other choice does one have ?). I don't plan to try anything at this point, since I'm unaware of anything that really works. I am adamantly against the use of any pharmaceutical drugs to treat chronic symptoms - that is a DEAD end.
Best wishes,
I am skeptical about the whole development of the Serenade device.
Yeah, It was a dud as far as I'm concerned. It seemed to make my noise worse. I returned mine after about 2 months with no charge except the initial appt. with the audiogram.

I am adamantly against the use of any pharmaceutical drugs to treat chronic symptoms - that is a DEAD end.
Some anti-seizure drugs can help lessen the noise, but may have some side's somewhat of a tradeoff there. I'm taking Gabapentin for my neck, lower back, and feet, so perhaps a dual benefit for me if it lowers the noise.
Well I'm trying to hang I there with my Sound Device but it only seems to increase the noise factor. I started to write the manufacture of this device and ask them if they could get some of those folks who raved about the Sound Cure device to write some comments here. I thought I would state that there device is getting such a a bad rap that it would behoove them to do this. But Idoubt that they would follow up on my suggestion. One thing I wish they would have pointed out is that it can cause an increase in the noise factor and is just plain bad! I laid oft of my machine for a few weeks but decided to have a go at it again two days ago and here I sit my nerves on edge and the noise is up again. My audiologist wants me to bio feed back has any tried this out? It's to used to calm my fight or flight junk. Sure would like to have some feedback on this. Probably I will get some negative feed back on this but my meds for my condition are Oxicodin and xanic works somewhat. Anyway any and all feedback will be appreciated.
Just wondering if anyone has tried SoundCure or knows of anyone who has tried it. If you google it you will find the website.
I've been trying Soundcure Serenade for almost 4 months now, and it has been a colossal disappointment. At best I got minimal & erratic relief which never lasted. More often than not it aggravated the tinnitus instead! Maybe it works for some people, but not for me. So be careful about shelling out the $$ too quickly.
Give up on it and don't waste your time and money. I used this system as the first person in Las Vegas in 2012 and it made the Tinnitus worse and bothered me greatly...i discontinued its use. I am amazed how they can peddle this junk past the FDA into a legitamate treatment today. Very sad. it is better to have no hope than false hope. This product is very false hope.

Even the sweet Audiologist could not answer my questions. When she consulted with the SoundCure rep they too were unable to explain why the device would not work.......and they charge over $2,000.00? Where else do you know where people charge and get soo much money for a box that makes noise with no promise. Oh man!
I have a very definable tinnitus pitch, and spent considerable time with the doctor having the Serenade dialed in to my tone. The Serenade made my condition SIGNIFICANTLY worse than it was prior to beginning the treatment. I gave the device an honest chance by following all instructions and continuing for over 6 months and purchasing the very expensive device with my own out-of-pocket cash. My personal recommendation is to avoid this device altogether. It took me several weeks to return to a tolerable level of ringing after cessation of use of the Serenade. I believe this device to be completely lacking in efficacy, and the research and clinical trials flawed - just my opinion.
I tried the Soundcure when it first came out. Luckily, I was able to try it out on a free-trial basis for a couple of weeks. It didn't help me; in fact, I think it made my T worse, so I returned it. I couldn't believe they wanted $2,000 for the device!
I tried the Soundcure when it first came out. Luckily, I was able to try it out on a free-trial basis for a couple of weeks. It didn't help me; in fact, I think it made my T worse, so I returned it. I couldn't believe they wanted $2,000 for the device!

That's a lot of money for a sound box! Well, this soundcure should be pulled from the market as it isn't fit for purpose.
Hey Karl no probs! Happy to help!

You might be interested to know I've just began researching something called the Tomatis method. It's very old but seems to have been quite effective for some people with hearing loss and Tinnitus. I have only just found out about it so I cannot comment until I have obviously tried it myself but thought I would give people a heads up!

To sum it up it plays classical music through specific high frequencys. it's completely science based so no woo woo mumbo jumbo or anything. Playing this for a certain amount of hours for each day over weeks and months apparently has a miraculous effect on the brain in some very intrigueing ways. Some seem to have reported it has cured their Tinnitus and others claim they have recovered their hearing loss! I still don't quite understand it myself but am going through a book on it that was released in 1984!

If you are interested in reading all about it they have a copy on Amazon for only $1!

I have no idea if it is any good or just a scam but will certainly look at giving it a go. Trouble is 30 years ago you could get the music quite cheaply. Now it seems WAY too expensive. Will keep everyone updated if I give it a try.

There might be something to this Tomatis method. I played the youtube clip and listened to Mozart for 3 minutes. My T was immediately relieved if only temporary. In any case I am going to give classical music a try.
Everyone, I can't suggest the Soundcure Serenade enough. It honestly saved my life. I am dependent on it. In other words, it doesnt 'cure' the tinnitus, but it makes it fainter and fainter so that over time, it goes away. In my experience, if i stop using the soundcure (even when the tinnitus is gone), the tinnitus creeps back. So basically, I use this thing once a day for an hour, and I sleep with it at night. As a result, my tinnitus is completely suppressed. COMPLETELY SUPPRESSED.
I'm not a #%%$#% salesperson. I just am someone who's had HORRIBLE tinnitus and I know first-hand what you're going through. And thank god, I found something that really works. Not sorta-kinda works, like cutting salt or doing this or that. I literally don't have tinnitus anymore (as long as I use this thing as directed).
These mp3 player ''cures'' need to die off already.

Yeah, although I would like some more research into how residual inhibition actually works. This would be the first step to figure out permanent inhibition when regenerative options aren't available.
Soundcure Serenade 100% worked for me. I went from having disabling tinnitus to not having it all within 2 months. I'm not a sales rep. I'm not lying. I'm not trolling. I'm telling the truth. I honestly don't know if I'd still be here if it weren't for this thing...
Soundcure Serenade 100% worked for me. I went from having disabling tinnitus to not having it all within 2 months. I'm not a sales rep. I'm not lying. I'm not trolling. I'm telling the truth. I honestly don't know if I'd still be here if it weren't for this thing...
You've said it twice in this topic already, give it a rest. I'm sure you would have got same result from any music file therapy.

SoundCure is SoundScam.
You've said it twice in this topic already, give it a rest. I'm sure you would have got same result from any music file therapy.

SoundCure is SoundScam.
I don't know the specifics of the product but the theory behind it seems to work for some people, it is based on peer reviewed research. I do not endorse the product at all, it's an expensive therapy that could be delivered for far less money in my opinion.

If you can identify your tinnitus frequency I will quickly make a sound file for you and see what it does. I also have an adaptation of their theory that seems to do something too.
I don't know the specifics of the product but the theory behind it seems to work for some people, it is based on peer reviewed research. I do not endorse the product at all, it's an expensive therapy that could be delivered for far less money in my opinion.

If you can identify your tinnitus frequency I will quickly make a sound file for you and see what it does. I also have an adaptation of their theory that seems to do something too.

Could you do one for around 8500hz? :)
@Brian meadows

I am glad to hear that SoundCure works for you to the point of eliminating T for very long periods of time. My understanding is that it does not work so well for everybody and you are in the positive outlier side of it. SoundCure is part of the recent generation of sound therapies that aims for more just desensitizing to the noise like ACRN by trying to produce neuromodulation effects. However, I believe that the results of sound therapies are very limited especially for complex T sounds. For example, ACRN should work only for tonal T only. In summary, the people claiming being cured by sound therapies are the exception and not the rule. That is the main reason why your comments receive skeptical responses.
Could you do one for around 8500hz? :)
Files attached. They are short but loopable.

I've made a (roughly) 8500Hz tone and 2 other tones using randomised sounds based on the same theory. They temporarily silence my tinnitus, although I find that higher quality works better. These are 320kbps MP3 from a 44.1Khz 16 bit mixdown.


  • 40Hz pitch mod random.mp3
    2.3 MB · Views: 137
  • 8500 S-Tone.mp3
    2.3 MB · Views: 171
  • Random S-Tone.mp3
    2.3 MB · Views: 135
@DebInAustralia Haven't heard of S-tones until a few months ago and I believe it's a new kind of treatment to aid habituation. No doubt it'll be expensive and I would rather try sound enrichment. Tried and tested and bound to be a lot cheaper.
Please let us know how you get on if you decide to try it.

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