I am not new to tinnitus. I got it when I was 17. I remember exactly how I got it and it was kind of strange. I had a freak moment where I coughed, but unlike like any normal person I didn't open my mouth. (Must have tried to have been discreet about it) This caused my right ear to pop violently. I instantly knew this was bad. My right ear began to ring and hasn't stopped since.
I instantly knew what it was - tinnitus. My Dad has it, except his is in his left ear. I remember him complaining about it when I was a kid when he first got it in his late 40's. He is no longer bothered by it as he has had it for quite a while. I knew there was no cure but I still went to my GP and was dismissed accordingly. I left feeling kinda jaded but the only thing I could do was get on with life. So I did. When I was 18 I started going out to clubs with my friends and didn't really think about my ears. I would only go out every so often. Of course my ears would ring louder when I left but they would soon settle down the next morning to the normal ringing just in the right.
Other than that I would take care of my ears. I would always wear industrial ear defenders when dealing with loud noise. e.g. Using noisy petrol lawnmower. I never listened to loud music intentionally only when stuck in some grimy club with my friends waiting to leave so we could go get pizza at 3 am.
The last time I went out was New Years eve. I hadn't been out in months and wanted to see my friends as I hadn't seen them in weeks. So I blissfully went out unaware of what my fate would be. Again I was stuck in the same old dodgy club with stupidly loud music. Honestly, I sat out for the most part in a quieter area as I really wasn't in the mood. The music was awful and there was no room to breathe.
The next day my ears rang like crazy. However, I knew this was normal and that they would soon settle down. I just needed to sleep it off. So I did. One week later my ears were still squealing and I knew I was in trouble. The months that followed were truly the darkest moments I have ever exeperienced. How could I have allowed this to happen? I was in bits. The hardest part for me was going about my daily business acting as if everything was fine to my peers in class. Whereas, in reality I was dying inside. I even had exams in January and I just had to force myself to study as best as I could with constant hissssing driving me suicidal.
Four months later I am still here. I have googled tinnitus to death everyday since. I even arranged an appointment at the tinnitus clinic for ACNM treatment but cancelled my appointment as my parents were not happy at all with the £5000 treatment. I offered to pay with my life savings as I thought my life depended upon it. However, I was forced to cancel. My parents thought it was a scam with that kind of price tag. In the early stages I was even fobbed off with 'Tinnitus Miracle' by Thomas Conman Coleman. I went on YouTube and came across a heartfelt testimony of some guy claiming it saved his life so I bought it. Don't buy it. My Dad said if there was a cure it would be readily available on the NHS and we would all know.
Right now I am trying to get used to my new noise. I vowed to myself never to set foot in a nightclub ever again. I have since refused numerous invites from friends and have felt like a complete let down. I explained to them that I have tinnitus but they don't understand. They keep abusing their ears and live in ignorance of my condition because they don't have it. I thought about taking earplugs but I didn't want to risk it as I only really trust industrial ear defenders with loud noise and they aren't very discreet. My only hope is that one day they discover a treatment to silence the noise within my lifetime. Who knows? In the next few years they just might. But right now I just have to keep going like the rest of us and live in hope for the future.
Dealing with this made me a much stronger person. I am grateful for this forum. Thank you.
I instantly knew what it was - tinnitus. My Dad has it, except his is in his left ear. I remember him complaining about it when I was a kid when he first got it in his late 40's. He is no longer bothered by it as he has had it for quite a while. I knew there was no cure but I still went to my GP and was dismissed accordingly. I left feeling kinda jaded but the only thing I could do was get on with life. So I did. When I was 18 I started going out to clubs with my friends and didn't really think about my ears. I would only go out every so often. Of course my ears would ring louder when I left but they would soon settle down the next morning to the normal ringing just in the right.
Other than that I would take care of my ears. I would always wear industrial ear defenders when dealing with loud noise. e.g. Using noisy petrol lawnmower. I never listened to loud music intentionally only when stuck in some grimy club with my friends waiting to leave so we could go get pizza at 3 am.
The last time I went out was New Years eve. I hadn't been out in months and wanted to see my friends as I hadn't seen them in weeks. So I blissfully went out unaware of what my fate would be. Again I was stuck in the same old dodgy club with stupidly loud music. Honestly, I sat out for the most part in a quieter area as I really wasn't in the mood. The music was awful and there was no room to breathe.
The next day my ears rang like crazy. However, I knew this was normal and that they would soon settle down. I just needed to sleep it off. So I did. One week later my ears were still squealing and I knew I was in trouble. The months that followed were truly the darkest moments I have ever exeperienced. How could I have allowed this to happen? I was in bits. The hardest part for me was going about my daily business acting as if everything was fine to my peers in class. Whereas, in reality I was dying inside. I even had exams in January and I just had to force myself to study as best as I could with constant hissssing driving me suicidal.
Four months later I am still here. I have googled tinnitus to death everyday since. I even arranged an appointment at the tinnitus clinic for ACNM treatment but cancelled my appointment as my parents were not happy at all with the £5000 treatment. I offered to pay with my life savings as I thought my life depended upon it. However, I was forced to cancel. My parents thought it was a scam with that kind of price tag. In the early stages I was even fobbed off with 'Tinnitus Miracle' by Thomas Conman Coleman. I went on YouTube and came across a heartfelt testimony of some guy claiming it saved his life so I bought it. Don't buy it. My Dad said if there was a cure it would be readily available on the NHS and we would all know.
Right now I am trying to get used to my new noise. I vowed to myself never to set foot in a nightclub ever again. I have since refused numerous invites from friends and have felt like a complete let down. I explained to them that I have tinnitus but they don't understand. They keep abusing their ears and live in ignorance of my condition because they don't have it. I thought about taking earplugs but I didn't want to risk it as I only really trust industrial ear defenders with loud noise and they aren't very discreet. My only hope is that one day they discover a treatment to silence the noise within my lifetime. Who knows? In the next few years they just might. But right now I just have to keep going like the rest of us and live in hope for the future.
Dealing with this made me a much stronger person. I am grateful for this forum. Thank you.