Are you a millionaire? A lot of people that do volume trading with very little commission get whipsawed if they trade both long and short or put too many eggs in one basket. Do you know how to make a small fortune? Start with a large fortune. I traded commodities too much and got my ass handed to me on a silver platter.
Hindsight is 20-20. I have a trust too like
@Greg Sacramento.
I'm not a millionaire, but I've never lost any money either. I mainly trade and invest in high-risk stocks and assets, that's my thing. Rule number 1, don't lose your original investment. My friends and I have been doing this for about 25 years. If you do some due diligence, it's easy to spot some good opportunities. After this, it's about understanding the market cycles. People usually lose money when they buy something that they do not understand and/or haven't researched properly. Then when a crash or correction happens they panic and sell at a loss.
In 2008, a friend and I invested in the banks after they crashed. We quickly turned £1k into £8k. From there we diversified and put money into smallcap mining companies, oil explorers, metal & mineral explorers, biotechs, and many others. I bought two very high-risk stocks called Rockhopper and Desire based on a recommendation from a friend who had worked many high-profile jobs building airports and hospitals and stuff all over the world. He said the Saudis told him to buy Rockhopper as their hunch was that oil would be found there based on the evidence the basin had. With that I put £8k into it and £2k into Desire. This was during the drilling phase when an RNS could drop any day and wipe me out, because if it turned out to be a duster, then the majority of my money would be lost temporarily until the next drill. In the meantime, and I'll never forget this to this day - as I held throughout the majority of the risky phase - I heard an interview on the radio from a Shell executive saying they'd never find oil there as when they went they only found a pints worth. I knew about their history there, but something about hearing him talk that day made me question my decision for going with something that was such high-risk (bare in mind it was calculated, and was not using my core money, it was just profit). So, I made one of the worst decisions of my life and sold £7k's worth, my other friend whom I've always invested with didn't. About two days later, the RNS landed and the news couldn't have been any better, they struck more oil than expected and as you can imagine, the price went nuts. It even made the front page of the tabloids. I was devastated. My friend rang cheering down the phone as he had made over £100k from this one opportunity. I made a fraction of this. After this I did the stupidest thing imaginable, out of sheer frustration, I sold the majority of my SXX stock to chase the rise Rockhopper was having. Although I did manage to make another £4K, or so, on RKH, my SXX stock, which I'd held for over a year, decided it was the time to launch, and did over 30x. I'd even met the BOD of SXX, so you could say it was my main holding that I cared about the most. My friend still had his, so he not only made £100k on RKH, he made nearly £250k on SXX as well. I was a bit gutted to say the least

. SXX was my tip to him as well. Anyway, at this point I took all my money out and decided to take a break. I used the money to buy a house, whilst my friend bought about 3 of them

Then lockdown and COVID-19 happened, and we needed money, and so the beast was reawakened. I put money into Cryptos as it was an area that my friend was now specialising in, so I got a huge head start in terms of research. I've already taken my original investment money back so I can't lose at this point and I'm doing very nicely out of it. This is key. A proper de-risking strategy is essential.
My friend is now aiming for £1m, and he will likely get there. He's already at circa £500k. This isn't a get rich quick scheme; you have to know which ones to hold and which ones to trade. The ones he's got he's held since 2016. At one point, he had 16 bitcoins which he regrets selling.