This is completely true and we all really appreciate the hard work you put into Tinnitus Talk. What we need to realise is that we are up against a powerful group of vested interests - that is a group of people and organisations who commercially benefit from the current tinnitus status quo - i.e. the lack of any cure - and who will do as much as possible to ensure that status quo continues. This group unfortunately includes the main leaders of the BTA.we're just a very small group of volunteers with little time and negligable funds. It would be really nice if you would stop publicly attacking us for our supposed lack of initiative.
How do I know this? For the past few weeks I have been reading through the (many) online documents related to the development of a "tinnitus clinical pathway" by NICE in the UK. Over the past year or so a committee has been meeting to decide the future of tinnitus treatments in the UK - their decisions will influence how tinnitus is treated in the UK health system for the next decade or more. I've read through each of the minutes of their meetings, the documents related to the composition of the committee and the declared conflicts of interest of that committee.
(If you wish to disagree with me about this feel free - but please do the reading up of all this information first).
What I can tell you is this: This committee (which includes the BTA head David Stockdale) has several members with commercial interests in the treatment of tinnitus as primarily a psychological condition. It has a few token lay members of the public who were recruited through a non-open recruitment process, who have not always shown up to the meetings and who have primarily acted as a rubber-stamp for those who believe that tinnitus should be treated as a psychological condition.
What this means is this: There is of course a lot of anticipation about Neuromod currently and speculation about whether a device such as Neuromod's could ever be approved by NICE for use by the NHS. This committee will effectively prevent that from happening by ensuring that the clinical pathway for tinnitus consists primarily of psychological treatments such as CBT, TRT and mindfulness (plus hearing aids for those tinnitus patients with hearing loss.
It will also ensure that medications, stem cell research and other potential treatments are effectively precluded from the main tinnitus clinical pathway. If we are going to ensure that there is any chance of non-psychological treatments for tinnitus having a major future role in the treatment of tinnitus in the UK health system we have a very short period of time to challenge the workings of this committee and the vested interests it represents.
We can do this - but we first we need to realise what we are up against. I'm taking the first steps by putting in a number of freedom of information requests from NICE - I'll keep you all updated with the information this reveals. Nothing less than the future of tinnitus treatment for all UK citizens is at stake.