I still have this annoying ringing which I always hear. After 1.5 my faith of it going away is 0. I cry everyday because it's so annoying. If I got it when I was way older I'll understand that but I'm a teenager and I just can't handle this. My best guess was when I got a cold and that's when it started. Life is very bad for me right now and I just want to hear silence again but that may never happn again. A lot of you sufferers are way older than me but could handle it better because your mental strength is better. Well only time I'll tell if it's here to stay.
Yes, I can relate. When I got T (2 yrs ago) it took me to my knees and I couldn't imagine living the rest of my life (much less one more day) with the ringing in my ears.
Take heart!
Worst case scenario is that you have permanent T; even so, it is very livable (even though that seems absolutely impossible to believe right now -- it is true). You can have a happy, healthy, full life in spite of T.
It may not be permanent. I had a buddy (older than you) that had T for 5 months and it went away. You mention you are a teen and can't imagine living the rest of your life with T; so you are looking at the many years ahead of you. Remember, you are young; you can heal far better then us old crusties; this T may not be permanent.
Either way, DO NOT PANIC; do the best you can to relax (and get some sleep). Are you able to mask your T? If yes, do that at night and get some sleep. Work on simply relaxing as best you can; right now your brain has been sent into high-anxiety mode by this strange (annoying) sound; your brain will calm down and you will calm down -- it gets better. Just do your level best to relax and not react to it; and to get some sleep.
The first step and best way to calm down in this situation is to work on accepting the situation (I so hated it, but I had to accept it); accept that it may be permanent or it may go away (just accept it). When you accept your situation (not like your situation, just accept it), you start to relax and not react to it so much. I still don't like my T but I've accepted it and no longer react to it.
Work on that first and then press on to some of the T management techniques (masking, diet, exercise, et al).
Keep coming back to the site; great folks here to help you.